Chapter 16

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~Two Months Ago~

"What was I doing?"

With your phone on your lap, you couldn't seem to figure it out. There was a file open, but you didn't think much of it. Shrugging, you closed the app, sifting through your messages.

"I'm sorry that you had to suffer this much."

The female voice made you dart right out of your seat.


The redhead standing in your living room was not someone you recognized.

At least you didn't think you did.

But her face was...her face, it's familiar.

Your once defensive stance changes.

"Why do I feel like..I know you.."

The smile this woman wore only provided warmth.

"Usually, my life force has been the biggest aid for Barry. I've always done what was possible to protect him. But you traded much more than external power. You willingly offered up your humanity, then stripped yourself of a power that was given to you, all to keep them safe."

Her words are making little sense.

"She looks just like Nora. My mother. The speed force is unlike anything I've ever imagined. "

The memory of Barry's words hit you, and you stagger back at the rush of it. You try to steady yourself against the side of the couch.

"The speedforce. You're the speedforce."

She nods, a sad smile on her lips.

"The process is progressing much faster than expected. You're already beginning to forget about your friends. About Barry."

You wish you could deny it, but you've been feeling off since you woke up in the lab with Harry.

"What's happening to me.."

You're scared. It feels like you're losing your mind. Nora moves to your side

"There's nothing for you to worry about. Everything will be okay."


Harry hasn't taken an even breath. He's still rooted in his spot. Because his biggest fear is that if he blinks, then he'll wake up. He'll go right back to that moment.

It's painful just to think about. The only thing he can do is pray.



That this isn't some figment of his imagination.

"I'm sorry about everything."

He's close to tears. He shakes his head, because you have nothing to apologize for. He's the one to blame for all of it. The breath he's been holding releases and you run right into his arms.

"I'm here, right here. I'm not going anywhere."

His hold tightens at your whispers.

He believes it.

Every word. 

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