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When Caitlin received the call from Harry, her expectation was that he was in need of advice for his 'non-date'.

That wasn't the case.

As they all stood in Star Labs now gathered around your unconscious body, Caitlin felt uncertain. Your vitals were strong. She'd run through a few scans. As her eyes stayed fixed on the charts, she wondered how she would go about relaying the information she now held.

She wasn't even given a chance, because you blinked and Harry rushed to your side.


Barry's eyes lit up and Iris followed him to your bedside.

Cisco wore a shaky smile and you began to sit up, a hand over your face as you let out a soft groan.

"Don't do that to us." Cisco relayed.

You finally lifted your eyes, and the confusion on your face made Harry weary.

"Are you alright?" He questioned.

You shuffled back onto the bed.

"W-Who..who are you people?"

They were stunned.

Harry wanted it to be a joke, but the look on your face. There was no humor, just hesitation and fear.

You looked dizzy, and Caitlin pushed past them to usher you back to lay down.

"Just rest, we're your friends. I promise."

You still looked unsure, but the battle between your body and your mind was struggling. Your eyes slowly closed, and the second your breaths evened out, Caitlin's expression turned sullen.

"Her results, what did they say, Snow?"

Harry's tone was void of emotion.

When she turned back, they all showed different stages of grief.


"I need to run more tests. Make sure that they are accurate."

"What did it say!"

He's angry, and she can't really blame him.

Caitlin swallowed.

"Her hippocampus, the area of the brain that controls learning, navigation, memory..the activity's displaying signs similar to patients that suffer from amnesia."

He couldn't believe it.

"She's losing her memories?" Barry questioned, saddened.

Caitlin shook her head.

"It's hard to explain. When she received her abilities, there were certain points in her brain that held dark matter. In most cases, matter like that is usually spotted as cancer. Like a tumor. But that's the way her abilities manifested. She was meant to be a speedster, but when the negative speed force entered her body, it disrupted everything. It changed her body's chemistry. When we removed it, it altered everything."

Harry was beginning to see the bigger picture.

"We can reverse it. We can create a device that counters the effects. We can solve this, I know we can!" Barry sounded a bit delirious.

Harry knew better.

"We can't. The creation and removal of her speedforce wasn't natural. What's happening isn't the loss of all her memories, is it Snow? That's why you didn't panic. You realized."

She wasn't surprised that Harry figured it out.

"What is he talking about?" Cisco asked.

There were times where she wished she wasn't the one that possessed these answers.

"This amnesia is like a disease. It's attacking certain parts, certain points."

"What does that mean!!" Barry exclaimed.

"It means that she won't forget everything all at once." 

Harry's eyes moved to your sleeping form.

"It's only erasing the memories linked to the negative speed force matter that's still present in her brain chemistry. We're going to watch as she slowly forgets every last one of us."

A revelation that none of them are ready for. 

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