Chapter 11

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Harry has always been strong.

He had to be. Given what they did, showing weakness was the fastest way to get killed. He told himself that any other emotion was a liability. But that was when he started. When everything was uncertain.

Sitting at your side, that cloak of uncertainty has returned. Somehow he feels like he hadn't treasured your moments enough. It's ridiculous, he knows. You would be disappointed if you saw him here dwelling on this. But he can't help it.

Just like he couldn't help the feelings he held that seemed to have appeared out of thin air.

"Just admit that you like her."

"Are you really this bored Ramon?"

Cisco laughed on the other side of the phone and when Harry saw you walk into the coffee shop, he bid his goodbye.

"Say hello to your girlfriend for me!" Cisco called from the other side of the phone. Harry hung up, turning in your direction as you brought over the two coffees.

"That was quick." He commented.

You smiled.

"I ordered ahead since I was running late."

He expected you to take the seat adjacent to him, but you sat right at his side and Harry raised a brow. You looked over with a smile.

"Something wrong?"

Harry shook his head, tugging at his cap. A tick he'd adapted.

You just handed him his coffee as you both fell into easy conversation.

He'd like to say that Cisco's words hadn't been running through his mind. For a second he glanced at you, just as a test to prove that there was nothing romantic there. You were still talking animatedly, and he found himself admiring you. The lack of distance gave him a good whiff of your perfume. Then he caught the way your eyes seemed to lit up as you described an encounter at your university. Your eyelashes seemed to be curled quite perfectly. You weren't wearing that much makeup, not that he was an expert.

He knew you must have at least been wearing lipstick because it could not have been natural for them to look that alluring.

Realization hit him like a brick.

"Ramon was right."

You tilted your head.

"What was Cisco right about?"

It took him a moment to realize that he said that aloud. He had just a few seconds to make up a believable excuse.

"A project we were working on."

You smiled.

"I figured that's why you were zoning out. You probably shouldn't tell Cisco that, he'll never let it go."

You laughed, inquiring about his week and what the team had been up to.

That's probably the first time he realized that his feelings were far from platonic.


Your voice broke his little spell, and he finds himself back at your bedside.

The moment you wake, the first thing you process is the cold patch on your arm. Your head lulls to the side, and you aren't shocked to see a very dazed Harry seated at your bedside.

You smile.


It's a little weak. You catch sight of the rest of Team Flash. They'd dragged chairs into the room and they are all laying in slightly awkward positions.

Sound asleep.

Harry doesn't return the smile, he just reaches for your hand. You're a little puzzled.

"What's wrong?"

His face displays nothing but sadness.

He contemplates for a moment whether to tell you.

Maybe he should tell you the truth, or give you a comforting lie, because as it stands, you may not even remember it.

He settles for the latter.

"It's nothing, you just scared us. Caitlin thinks you had an episode. We knew removing the negative speed force would have consequences. I'm going to be keeping an eye on you. "

"Wow, all I did was faint and now I got a bodyguard. I'm honored."

Usually a clever quip would follow, but it doesn't come.

"Harry, are you sure everything is okay?"

He nods.

"I'm sure."

More than anything he hates lying to you, but he'd rather those last days be filled with joy rather than worry and guilt.

He squeezes your hand and you return the action. 

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