Chapter 6

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"It seems counterproductive."

"Would you stop complaining? It comes with the job. Technology is growing, Harry. You shouldn't be simple minded. You're a scientist after all."

Harry is arguing about a change that you were informing him about at your job. He's never shy with his criticisms of your earth. Of course he'll forever see earth 2 as superior.

It's become a habit for him to drop by after you get off so you both can visit star labs. You suppose having a device to travel between states was handy. Especially with how expensive gas is.

"How is Jesse by the way?"

"Off running around with West." He grumbles.

It's always adorable how he reverts to an overprotective dad. Deep down he likes Wally, you figure it's the idea of any guy being with his baby girl that messes with him.

"You're almost cute when you make that face."

His frown deepens at the comment and you giggle.

You nudge his arm as you both come to a stop at a crosswalk.

"Portland is a lot weirder than I expected. Last week there was a news report where a guy's insides were liquidated. Seems like stuff that would happen back in Central City."

Harry hums.

"How amusing that you left one freakshow to jump into another."

"Gosh I hope not."

The light changes and you both begin walking again.

Harry's strides are slightly bigger, but he still manages to maintain a reasonable pace. You steal a glance. His taste in dark clothing hasn't changed, nor has that perpetual frown. There's something comforting about the transparency that is Harry Wells.

The both of you have developed a very solid friendship. Not something you expected given your introduction.

Harry has been nothing but sweet in his own grumpy way. While you visit the team regularly, it feels like he's been spending most of his time looking after you. That's why you assumed it was a request from Barry initially. But it's clear that Harry recognized the pain you've been through and he's extended a hand. Loss was never easy. Being a hero has given you a fair share of trials. He knows that better than anyone.

Given that you're both now pretty mundane compared to your superpowered friends is just another reason why you might have gotten so close.

"Harry, do you ever wish that you had a superpower?"

"I'm a genius, what else do I need?"

"You're such a narcissist!" You laugh, smacking his arm.

It's somewhat comforting. In a weird way that's maybe the answer that you wanted. Some kind of clarification that just being you right now is enough.

Harry has picked up on your momentary silence.

"Do you miss it? Your speed."

You lift your hand.

"I'm not sure. It's always been tied with so much pain. I don't miss that feeling. Always hurting, worrying. I wasn't supposed to be a speedster, so It's not like I'm messing with some cosmic plan. I do miss..being a cop."

Fighting for others. That's always been a part of you.

"I applied for another job at the university."

That catches his attention.

"Given my background in Criminology they were practically begging me to come. It wasn't easy to let go. Now I feel as though I can still help. Even if it's just lecturing future agents."

It may not be as exciting as chasing bad guys, but it's worth it.

"I think you'll do great."

You smile.

"Thank you Harry. "

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