Chapter 13

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You aren't surprised at Harry's quietness.

He's always been a very brooding man. You are however suspicious that he agreed to watch these rom coms with you. Especially after all those times he vehemently said he would sooner die than invest any of his time into those illiterate films.

His exact words.

"I'm shocked you're being so obedient. Did you bury a body and now you need me as an alibi?"

Harry scoffed.

"If I were to do that, trust me, they would never catch me."

He sounded so proud saying it too.

You just giggled.

"It's a little disturbing how confident you just said that. I might have to watch my back."

"Never catch me." He repeated.

You shoved him playfully, and Harry turned to you, sending you that look.

It's been going on all night. He directs these subtle glances that he thought you didn't notice. For a while now you've been trying to find a way to broach the topic. You wanted to ask him, but another part of you wanted him to tell you.

Your gaze must have been too much, because he finally broke contact, standing.

"I'm going to grab more drinks."

His tone was even, and that's when you realized.

"Are you ever going to tell me the truth?"

That stopped him cold in his tracks.

His gaze met yours with a bit of uncertainty.

"I couldn't put my finger on it at first. But that day in the lab, I felt something. It was strange. Then you smiled at me and assured me everything was okay, but it never really met your eyes. I had to make sure."

You unlocked your phone, and when he saw the video that you played, it made sense.

"Hi future (Y/N). You're probably wondering why I'm leaving this video. Well, it's because I'm pretty sure that I'm losing my memories."

Harry swallowed, slowly taking a seat as the video continued.

"I've been forgetting things. Little things about the people that I care about. That's why I'm here to remind you. Cisco Ramon, Caitlin Snow, Barry Allen, Iris West, Joe West..."

There's a pause.

"Harrison Wells or as Cisco calls him, Harry Wells."

You were getting teary on the other side of the screen.

"These people are more important to you than your own life. I've attached pictures, videos and notes to this file so you don't forget. I'm no scientist, but it seems that it's progressing quickly. If one day you forget all of them, please, please find me...please just don't..don't.."

The image of your face changes, and the screen goes blank.

It's clear that the video has been cut short.

Most likely due to another episode of your amnesia.

You place the phone down, and Harry can't seem to find the words.

There's so much written on your face.

Hurt, pain, fear..understanding.

"I..I didn't want you to-"

You shook your head, and when you moved closer he prepared for the words of displeasure that would surely follow.

But all he felt was the softness of your lips.

Harry blinked, and you pulled back, wearing a weak smile.

He touches his lips softly, clearly still trying to comprehend what just happened.

"Promise me..promise me that when I completely forget'll come to see me just one last time."

He wasn't sure what to say. How could he make that promise? Just the thought of you looking at him blankly, indifferent, it hurts.

"Please..promise me.."

You're crying, and the tears that he's fought so hard to hold back, come running down his cheeks.

He removes his glasses, wiping the tears away as he nods.

"I promise."

All you offer at that moment is a smile.

"Thank you Harry."

You lean forward, wrapping your arms around him.

"Thank you." 

Harry Wells  Earth 2 - (Flash)Where stories live. Discover now