Chapter 19: Moving on

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Needless to say, Scarlett was NOT happy with the message I/Sky sent her.

I decided to put my big girl pants on and try to sort this mess out. We are going to talk, just us. The problem was where. I didn't want to go to her house for obvious reasons, and she didn't want to come to mine. We were at an impasse. That is until Lizzie came to the rescue. We'd go to her house, she'd leave us to talk, but still be around. Neutral ground if you will.

This is where you join us. We've done the awkward hello and had a couple of drinks. (Literally 2, Lizzie refused to allow us anymore. Her and Sky would get on well!) We've had dinner with the 3 of us, and now Lizzie is going to ‘work’ in her room whilst we chat.

So, sitting at the dinner table in Lizzies dining room, well, her short-term rental dining room, I decide to make the first move.

“So, the other night got a little out of hand, huh?”

“You don't say” She replies shortly.

Well, this is going swell so far. I take a breath before replying.

“Look, can we just start fresh here. You wanted us to talk, I feel like you're right and that we should clear the air. Can we just do this like mature grown-ups? I'll take no swipes at you, if you can do the same in return?”

She sighs, but eventually, she lifts her eyes to meet mine. “OK, that's fair.”

I relax a little, nodding my head in acknowledgement, and I am relieved that we've at least set some ground rules.

“If it's OK, I'd like for you to start. You wanted to explain a few things, if we could start there that would be great for me.” Yeah, I think, like explaining the husband who you clearly haven't broken up with. That would be great.

“OK. I need you to know that I am sorry for how everything played out. And I'd like for you to let me finish completely before you talk.” She looks up at me, waiting for my agreement.

“OK, that's fair.” I say, slowly nodding my head.

She takes a deep breath. “OK. I'm just going to say it, no sugar coating. Colin found out about us talking.” She takes a tentative glance my way.

OK, so what? We've been talking for ages, and we aren't actually anything to each other, never were. What's the problem? I don't say anything out loud, as agreed. Instead, I nod my head for her to continue.

“I may have accidentally sent him a couple of screenshots of our conversations that were meant for Lizzie. I hadn't realised until the morning after we, well, you know.” I can see the blush start to creep up her neck.

Great, I'm talking to a child who can't even say 'had sex’.

“He called me, and he caught me off guard with all his accusations. He thought I was doing it to make him jealous, to get him back. . . . I, he flew out to see me. To talk things over. I couldn't tell him what had happened, and I agreed to give things another go, for the kids.” She looks up to me again, I guess that means I can talk now. I give it a few more seconds before speaking.

“I want to be honest with you. So I will try to do that. I don't know what you want me to say, nor do I know what I actually think about what you just said. . . .

Did you do it to make him jealous? Honestly?” That's the question that's been running through my head since she said it, I might as well ask it.

“Honestly. No. I wanted you as much as you wanted me.”

I open my mouth to ask the obvious question, but she beats me to it.

“It wasn't a game or an experiment for me. I wanted you, I want you. I just can't. We can't do that.” She stands up, walking to the kitchen side and pours herself some more wine.

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