Chapter 15: The morning after

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Harley's POV:

I wake to an empty room, being slightly confused for a moment until last night's events come flooding into my mind, a small smirk gracing my face. 

I let myself get lost in the memories of us starting on the sofa, to running up the stairs, tripping over ourselves, laughing, to the heated events of the rest of the night. 

I stretch and finally get up, pulling myself into the bathroom to freshen up a little. I'd really like to have a shower, but I can't bring myself to do it without asking first, so this will have to do for now. I manage to find some jogging bottoms and a jumper to throw on, as I'm pretty sure last night's outfit is strewn throughout the living room.

I make my way downstairs, stopping near the bottom when I hear a hushed voice coming from the kitchen. I listen for a second, hearing Scarlett's muffled voice.

Scarlett: "Yes, yes, I know. I just, I don't think it's a good idea…... "

I decide to stop being a creeper and make my way into the kitchen. 

Scarlett looks at me as her eyes widen. "Listen, I've got to go OK  I'll talk to you later."


"No, I know, just later OK, bye" She says as she hangs up.

"Everything OK?" I ask.

"Yeah, everything's fine. . . would you like some coffee? I've made a fresh pot, " She says, walking over to the coffee pot on the counter.

"Um, sure, yea, that'd be nice," 

Well, this is awkward, awkward as hell. Neither of us knows what to say or do. Was last night a mistake? Does she regret it? Do I? What did we do? 

We basically sit at the kitchen counter, sipping our coffee, neither of us saying anything. This is so different from yesterday. 

"We should talk about last night, I don't want this to come between us again." Scarlett says, refusing to look at me.

"OK." I reply. I can tell already that she regrets it. Nothing good comes from 'i don't want this to come between us again.' I decide to just let her talk. 

Scarlett sighs as she realises I'm not going to talk first. "Um, OK, well. Last night was nice, I, I really enjoyed it, I really enjoyed you. But, but I think that maybe we got carried away?" She looks at me at this, maybe hoping for a response. Unfortunately, I've already gone into my head, knowing what's coming. I simply hum in response, refusing to look up from my coffee. Scarlett decides to carry on, realising I won't be responding.

"Look, I, I realise that last night was as much me as it was you. I haven't had sex in a very long time, and you're gorgeous, beautiful, actually. …. And, at the time, I wanted you, I did…. Actually, I'm not sure it was you, maybe just someone?" She pauses as she runs her hand down her face.

That's exactly what every girl wants to hear after sex. You could've been anyone. You're just a warm body. Nice. 

"I don't know, you made me feel good though, but I think, maybe, this was a mistake. I mean, it shouldn't happen again. It was a one-time thing, yeah?"

I just sit there as she finishes her little speech, I take my phone out and text Danny, begging him to come pick me up. 

"Harley, you going to say anything?" Scarlett asks.

I've been sitting in my own thoughts since entering the kitchen. I look up and make eye contact with her for the first time since sitting down. "What is it that you want me to say exactly? You've made yourself perfectly clear, I don't want to argue, so it's best we just leave it as it is." I reply, taking another sip of the coffee, trying my best to keep my cool. I'm actually seething inside, I feel like such an idiot, I knew better, I did. She's just used me. . . . Again. And like the stupid little puppy I am, after having her treat me the way she did, i've just accepted it, welcomed her back with open arms, just like Cam. . . .  I guess you can't teach an old dog new tricks. 

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