Chapter 13: Drunken calls

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Scarlett's POV:

I quickly accept the call "Hi" I say.

"Hey, I thought I'd just call you instead, I hope that's OK?" she slightly slurs. Ahhh, I'm getting the picture here, she's clearly a little drunk. "You have a good evening Harley?" I ask with a smile.

"Yeah I did, we did, didn't we Danny" I then hear rustling as I can make out Danny's voice in the background "put it on speaker Har, no, no, you idiot, speaker! Here, I'll do it myself" I can hear his voice getting louder as he gets closer to the phone.

"There, speaker, like I said Har!" He says, I can hear Harley giggling in the background.

"So, why are you two calling me at almost 1am?" I ask, mostly to stop them from bickering between themselves. 

"Well Scarlett, Harley and I were talking, and she has questions you see."

"What, noooooo, Danny, I don't wanna" Harley huffs out quietly, I think she forgot she's on speaker "I'm getting another drink".

"Nooooo, Harley, we discussed this, get your ass back here before I drag you back" Danny all but shouts.

"As funny and amusing as this conversation is, was there actually a reason for this call?" I try again.

"Yes, here Harley, I'm going to go get you a drink. Ask your questions" Danny says.

"Maybe water would be good for her? Maybe one for you too?" I shout out hoping he hears me, I really don't think they need more alcohol, they're both hard enough to understand when they're sober, never mind when they're drunk!

"Can I see you?" Harley asks.

"It's a bit late Harley, maybe you can come see me tomorrow though?" 

"Noooo, I mean see you, like facetime? Well switch to video call on here?" She explains. That makes sense, god, why didn't I realise. Before I answer I see the request to switch to a video call…. Screw it, I accept. I see her goofy face on the screen with a big smile stretched ear to ear, her cheeks are a little flushed along with her neck.

 "There you are" she says "I just wanted to know if you like, maybe, um." She sighs and takes a breath, "I just wanted to know how you felt about what happened earlier, if maybe you regret it?" She asks. God she's so cute.

"I've been thinking about it all day if i'm honest." I confess. "I'm not really sure how I feel about it all, but I did like it… a lot." Her grin drops a bit as she scrunches her eyes. I think she's forgotten it's a video call. Somehow I feel like that's not the answer she wanted. 

"Oh, OK, that's fair. Thank you for being honest" she says as she looks away from the camera. "What's wrong Harley? Did I say something?" I ask. 

"N No, you didn't, no" She replies, still not looking at the camera.

"Harley, hey, sweetie, what's wrong?" I try again, hoping she'll let me know what's going on in her head. 

She sighs, turning back to the camera "I, uh, I um, I liked today too, i like you" She says, chewing on the inside of her cheek. My heart almost stops when she says that. She looks so cute, and bashful. It's a different side to the confident Harley I'm used to, I can't say I'm not liking it though. 

"I'd hope so" I smirk at her, "I don't just push my tongue down anyone's throat you know" I say with a wink, this causes her to chuckle. Did I say she's cute already?

"Is that so Miss Johansson, although I'm pretty sure there was more than just that, I distinctly remember your hands on my ass and…" "WOW, OK, yup I remember" I shout out, interrupting her, suddenly the confident Harley is back. She's changing it so fast I'm surprised I haven't got whiplash yet!

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