chapter 16: Out, out part 1

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2 months later

Harley's POV:

First things first, I have no cast on my arm! Yay! Secondly, after talking everything through with Danny after that night at Scarlett's, he was pissed. He was annoyed that I forgave her the first time. I told him I was done now, no more back and forth, no more flirting. Nothing, I can't keep letting her do this. She needs to work out what she wants. Well, she needed to do that before dinner, now she has no choice. It is what it is now. 

We've texted back and forth a few times since she apologised for what she said, but I told her it was fine. She may have been a bit brutal with her words, but it made everything very clear. After that, I refused to discuss it if she brought it up, saying it's in the past and we can move on being friends now. 

We haven't met up since I've been putting it off, I honestly don't know why. 

I have, however, gotten closer with Lizzie. We've met up a couple of times, and we even went to the fun fair one night. We had lots of fun. I'm actually meeting her again tonight. We're going out, out! Not just us, though. No, Danny and Sky are coming too! Although that's not the exciting bit, the exciting bit is that her sisters will be there too. I may have been winding her up about how hot her sisters are and how I'm totally gonna shoot my shot with Mary-Kate. It's just too easy to wind her up. I'd be waaaayyy too scared to try it on with one of the Olsen twins! Besides, I'm pretty sure Danny would have a better shot than me!

We've been standing in the line to the club for the last 15 minutes when I get a call from the younger Olsen.

Baby spice:
Where are you? You said you were just pulling up 20 mins ago?!

Well, yeah, did you not see the size of the line to get into this place?!?! It better be worth it when we get in Olsen!

Baby spice:
Line? Oh, Harley, sometimes i think you're too innocent for this world. If We're in VIP, do you think we have to queue?

Ummm, I feel like that's a trick question? And I feel like the answer is going to go against my inherent Britishness and willingness to queue?

I hear her giggling through the phone. 

We're not all celebrities Olsen!

Baby spice:
Go to the front of the queue and tell them you're in VIP, I'm coming to get you three idiots

And with that, the line went dead.

"Rude Americans and their lack of saying bye before hanging up," I grumble to myself. 

"Apparently, We're idiots and we don't have to queue?" I say to Danny and Sky.

I feel a swift slap to the back of my head. "I told you, idiot." Sky moans and starts walking to the front of the line. I hear Danny laughing at my misfortune.

"Someone chose violence this morning," I grumble, rubbing the back of my head.

"Oohhh, it's OK, princess. You could always ask one of the Olsens to kiss it better for you." Sky smirks out. 

"Ohh, yeah, because kissing celebrities has worked out so well for me previously."

Sky shrugs, smiles, and continues her bants (torture). "Well, if you just do your usual fuck em and dump em, you won't have a problem." I can see it on her face, she is in a 'let's wind up Harley all night' kinda mood.

I scoff "excuse you? I never. . . . Ooohhhh Sky, you are really getting on my last nerve tonight!" I turn to Danny "who put 20p in the dickhead?" I say motioning to Sky. 

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