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"Sorry to keep you waiting." The woman behind the counter of the dier apologized "Would you like a dozen to share?" She asked.

Derk, Emily, and Soren showed her their badges.

"Ooh. Fbi." She said.

"Ma'am, we're trying to trace the steps of a couple that may have been here a few days ago," Derek explained.

"Darlin', I've waited on 87 folks since we opened this morning." She told them "Somebody would have to come through here doing Cartwheels on fire for me to remember."

"Would you take a look anyway please?" Emily asked putting a photo of the couple on the counter.

"Huh!" She exclaimed "Well, I'll be. I do remember them."

"Were they doing cartwheels?" Derek asked sarcastically.

"No, but I was." The lady said putting a hand on her hip "The lady left me a $10 tip for breakfast, Two days in a row." She explained "Nice couple. They in some kind of trouble?" she asked.

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"They were not traveling on the interstate." Emily informed the team "That eliminates over half of our previous search."

"Sounds like we're looking for somebody Who works the night shift at a back road motel," Bruner remarked.

"And we think he's most likely in his early to mid-Thirties," Spencer told them

"Why is that?"

"Abducting couples is an ambitious task." Spencer explained And this guy's had time to perfect his skill.

"He could be older," Bruner commented.

"Don't get hung up on his age." Rossi reminded him "That's the hardest thing to predict."

"What we do know is females take extensive beatings from him." Derek stated"That, combined with the sexual assault, Tells us he's a violent anger excitation rapist. A sexual sadist like this can't get off Unless he's torturing and watching the effects on his victims."

"Part of the torture is psychological." Rossi added "This is another reason he takes couples. Chances are he forces one to watch his power over the other." He explained

"Because only the women suffer sexual torture, He's likely a malignant misogynist." Emily said This typically stems from an extreme hatred towards a woman Who was relentless in her psychological and physical abuse."

"How do you know the dad wasn't the abusive one And he's just continuing the cycle?" Bruce asked.

"Only a woman could make him hate women this much," Soren replied.

"The idea of the "terrible mother" is best illustrated In world mythology by the negative aspects of the great mother. Instead of nurturing her children, she destroyed him." Spencer explained.

"And given this upbringing, It's highly unlikely he'd ever been in a relationship, Let alone been married," Hotch added.

"And since he works in the service industry, He's forced to deal with a lot of people." Derek explained, "So he can probably hide his aversion to women Until he gets them behind closed doors."

"With that said, we shouldn't rule out anyone With prior offenses to women," Rossi said.

"Given the amount of time he spends with his victims, He requires a great deal of privacy," Hotch stated He may even utilize an ATV to get away from the accident sites, So the property may back up onto an off-road trail. We should therefore concentrate on the most remote motels first."

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"It's already dark, And we've barely gotten through half of the motels." JJ sighed.

"Maybe he's not in the remote areas," Spencer suggested.

"You think he's hiding in the middle of everything?" Hotch questioned


"Let's go," Hotch said starting to leave when Emily and Soren came over.

"Wait, Guys." Emily called after them "Garcia found a connection between a motel handyman and Rebecca Gallen. they went to high school together. So, I thought maybe he was connected to other victims. It turns out he's not, But there's something else that all of the women have in common." "Rebecca Gallen was found in a bra, T-shirt, Skirt, and flip-flops. Johanna Dietrich in a dress and sandals. Melissa Taylor was wearing a bra, t*nk top, and jeans. None of them were wearing underwear."

"How do you know it was taken?" Spencer asked them.

"they all packed it in their bags, But none were wearing it during the collisions," Soren explained.

"He leaves his victims in a car without their underwear And waits for them to be hit." Emily went on "A violent collision of metal against flesh. It's like the accidents are the final rape. This sexual aspect didn't show up overnight This is something he's been building up to."

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