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Victoria felt her blood boiling with anger, a mixture of betrayal and hurt flooding veins. The tears welled up in her eyes, threatening to spill over, as she realized the extent of Kehlani's deception.

All those times they'd had claimed to be in New York for "business and music stuff," it now became clear that they'd had been lying to her.

The realization hit her hard. While she had been faithfully waiting for her calls, spending countless hours sitting by the phone, she had been in a completely different state, messing around with other women. It was a painful revelation that shattered the trust she had placed in them.

"How could she?"

"Was I not enough?"

"Ryan fucking DESTINY?!"

"Why'd she have to lie in the first place?"

The sense of betrayal was overwhelming. She couldn't understand how she could have played with her emotions, leading her to believe in a love and commitment that was nothing but a facade. It felt like a cruel joke, as if all the time and effort she had invested in their relationship had been in vain.

The anger surged through her, fueling her determination to confront Kehlani and demand an explanation or simply, kill her. Maybe that was a bit extreme but she was so mad that she probably could've pulled it off.. A deep sense of disappointment in herself for not seeing the signs earlier.

As the tears finally escaped her eyes, Victoria's face set with determination.

Candice watched Victoria with a mix of concern and curiosity. She knew her friend was capable of taking matters into her own hands, and while part of her wanted to caution against it, she also understood the need for closure and justice. She picked up her fitted cap from Vic's nightstand, silently acknowledging her support for whatever she had in mind. "We going after her or no?" Candice asked, ready to go from 0-100 for her bestfriend.

As Victoria stood up off her bed, her mind consumed with devious thoughts, she bit the inside of her cheek, lost in her own determination. Candice's question seemed distant to her, as if she hadn't fully registered it. But deep down, she knew what she wanted to do. The brownskinned woman paced back and forth anxiously.

"They have a studio session with MCA today, we'll surprise them," Victoria replied, her voice carrying a cold determination. She stood up, ready to take action. Candice nodded her head, knowing that there was no stopping her friend now. She would stand by her side, offering her support in whatever way she could.

"I'll drive you down there. Go get dressed," Candice offered, understanding that time was of the essence. Victoria wasted no time and soon emerged dressed in an all-black outfit. From head to toe, her attire exuded a sense of urgency and determination. Her freshly done knotless braids cascaded down her back. Completing her look was a black beanie with her name embroidered on the front.

Standing in front of the bathroom mirror, Victoria took a moment to trim down her long nails. She wanted them to be functional, capable of causing damage if necessary, without putting herself at risk. The act of trimming her nails symbolized her readiness to confront the situation head-on.

Victoria's determination grew stronger as she made her way downstairs, her mind fixated on giving Kehlani a taste of their own medicine. She had reached her breaking point and had had enough of her lies and betrayal. The sight of her baseball bat leaning against the corner near the front door caught her attention, and an idea formed in her mind.

Pausing at the bottom of the stairs, Vicky's eyes locked onto the baseball bat. She felt a surge of power course through her as she picked it up, feeling its weight in her hands. With a firm grip on the bat, she swung it around a few times, testing its weight and envisioning the impact it would have.

𝐃𝐈𝐕𝐄 - 𝐕. 𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐓.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora