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Hello everyone!
This marks the end of the book.
So... I know this was a short book—just like the first—but I haven't worked on this in a while. My goal was 20,000 words, and I reached that goal with 20,210.
As I said, I haven't worked on this in a while, so I was wondering if this was too short? There will be another one, of course, but was it too short? It was approximately the same size as the first book... but... what do you think?
Yes, there will be a sequel. I don't know when I will start it but it's coming, promise.
Also, did I trick you? Sorry, at least it wasn't Elijah hehehe.
Anyways, thank you for sticking by and reading! I appreciate all of you including...


Thank you both <3
Arianna Courson

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