3 - I love my Lijah

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"Hold still," Elijah said, once more as Luna stood in front of him, staring at the mirror as he gently held her chin in place, helping her brush her teeth.

"I don't need help brushing," she said, trying to move away. "I am capable of brushing, Lijah!"

He only kept her chin in place. "I told you I'm taking care of you today. So, I'm helping you with hygiene. Now hold still before I make you hold still."

She only let out an impatient sound, staring at herself in the mirror as Elijah continued brushing her teeth, gently going against the gums so he didn't hurt her.

Luna gazed back up at him in the mirror, eyes glistening with his reflection.

But he finally finished, removing his grip and turned on the sink.

Luna leaned forward to spit the toothpaste out, rinsing her mouth out with water before standing fully up.

She then gazed back at Elijah, waiting for a command.

He only smiled, adjusting her soft hair over her shoulder. "I have a surprise for you."

She parted her lips. "Another one?"

He nodded, holding out his hand. "It's downstairs. Come on."

She caught his wrist, and he pulled her out of the bathroom and to the staircase.

Seconds later, they stopped at the end of the steps and Luna gazed up, gasping.

There was a little wall on the right, and there were piles and piles of presents, stacked almost up to the ceiling.

She quicky looked back at Elijah. "What's this?"

"It's your birthday," he explained with a small smile. "Therefore, I get to pamper you."

She gazed back at the presents. "Birthdays require this many presents?"

He laughed softly. "Not really, but since you haven't had a real birthday in decades... this would be considered your first birthday, and I wanted to make it memorable."

He also considered it her first because it seemed like the master erased every good memory from her past; the first seventeen years of her life. She only remembered the part where she turned, he knew very well because while she was sleeping one night, he entered her mind.

Every birthday, Christmas, school day, holiday, and childhood memories vanquished from her thoughts like they turned to dust.

And all she could remember was her dead parents and brother... and the torture for the last couple years.

Luna gazed up at Elijah, eyes glistening. "Lijah...."

"Go ahead," he said, nodding to the pile, "start opening them."

Her eyes glimmered. "Really? You mean it?"

He smiled and nodded.

She giggled happily and ran over to the pile of presents, and he coolly walked over to the couch and sat down, watching her.

Luna picked out the first one; which was kind of small, but she still ripped it open like a little monster, and the opened the box inside.

He smiled slightly when she pulled out a long, golden necklace with a red pendant, and she gazed up at him, smiling.

Elijah watched as she unclipped the ends and lowered it over her head, fastening it behind her neck with expertise.

And she went for another present, catching it and ripping it open, and she continued to make little excited noises when she pulled out a beret that had giant frog eyes on them along with it being green.

Chains (Crave: 2) (FINISHED)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ