14 - Well....

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Luna's lashes parted late that morning, and she found herself remaining dazed as she stared in Elijah's empty side of the bed.

She remembered what happened the night before; how she almost died and the one who tried to kill her was Elijah's form, but it wasn't really Elijah.

She was scared, horrified, but... she couldn't currently feel those emotions because she was so tired and numb.

All that crying last night took a lot out of her. It felt like she had no emotion left.

It all bled out in her tears.

But a sudden knock came from the bedroom door, and she gazed up numbly, finding Elijah standing there was a bowl in his hand.

"Good morning," he said, smiling softly, "how are you feeling?"

She just breathed for a moment. "What's Lijah's favorite food?" she said softly.

His eyes darkened at her sad tone, but he smiled and replied anyway, "My favorite food is steak."

She blinked and nodded, pushing her hands on the bed to sit up.

Yeah, he was right; his favorite food was steak.

That was a good question to ask because she remembered that fake Elijah ordered oysters for dinner last night, and—she didn't realize at the time—but Elijah hated seafood. He only liked meat like steak, ribs, and bacon.

He was a werewolf, after all.

Elijah stepped over to her as she propped her back against the bedframe and stared off into space.

He just set the bowl of food on the table and sat on the bed, regarding her carefully. "How are you feeling?"

She just stared down at her hands, looking sad. "I'm fine."

He sighed and shook his head. "No, you don't look well, Angel."

She never replied.

He just kicked pulled his feet up onto the bed and sat up next to her. "Come here." He pulled her into a hug, and she just melted into him, closing her eyes tightly as she caught onto his shirt.

"You don't have to be okay," he whispered, brushing his fingers through her hair. "But... I want you to be honest with me, okay?"

She just lowered her face into his shirt. "I sorry."

"No apologies, Angel," he said then, still soothing her hair back. "You don't have to apologize for anything, okay?"

She nodded then. "Okay."

He pulled back then, and she sat numbly next to him as he caught the bowl on the nightstand and held it to her.

"It's blood," he told her, making her gaze up. "Warmed to exactly ninety-eight-point-six degrees. Your favorite."

She smiled slightly, but still looked sad. "O-negative?"

He ruffled her hair. "You know it."

She lightly took it from his hands and pressed the rim of the bowl to her lips, and he set his hand on her thigh in comfort as she tipped the bowl back and drank.

She gulped down the blood slowly, Elijah watching sadly as she drank and drank, and she finally pulled it from her lips and set the empty bowl on her lap.

"Here," he said, holding out his hand, "I can take it."

She glanced up numbly as she handed him the bowl, and he set it on the nightstand.

When he looked back, she just sniffled, tears blooming in her eyes as she moved down and rested her head on his lap.

Elijah's eyes softened, and he pulled the blankets over her so she was warm, and he soothed her hair back slowly.

Chains (Crave: 2) (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now