1 - Nightmare

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You really thought you're safe alone now, don't you, Luna?

Well... I can assure you that a storm's coming, and you won't be able to resist it even if you tried.

Luna gasped, shooting awake as panic coursed through her.

The ceilings were still their light color, though they were covered in darkness that swarmed around the night outside.

She panted slightly, sweat sliding down her temples as a silent tear slipped down her cheek.

She never wanted to hear his voice again... but it kept coming back, haunting her dreams.

Even when the master was gone, she could still feel his shadow looming over her.

Luna turned over then, finding Elijah still sound asleep next to her, lips parted as he breathed softly.

She just got on her hands and knees, the covers falling around her, and she crawled over to him, sitting on her legs as she gazed down at him, still feeling the tears glisten in her eyes.

She just shuffled down and got under the covers with him, and she set her head on his chest, huddling close.

He sucked in a breath the moment her hand set on his chest, and she knew she woke him up.

"Hey," Elijah whispered, trying to look at her, "you okay, baby?"

She nodded shyly. "Yes, I just need my Lijah."

He didn't laugh this time at the name even when he commented before how she just eradicated the "E" from his name; like it meant nothing.

Elijah brushed his fingers through her hair. "Another nightmare?"

She nodded, burying her face in his neck.

"Do you want me to stop helping you to sleep?" he wondered then.

She didn't need sleep, anyway. She just wanted him to use his magic to get her to sleep so she wasn't bored all night.

But Luna shook her head. "No, thank you."

"Why?" he said then.

"I start seeing things in the dark," she told him, tone darkening, "and that's more scary because it's real life."

Elijah smiled at this. "Do you need help to go back to sleep?"

She shook her head again. "I just wanna hug my Lijah."

He laughed softly. "Alright. It's four, anyway." He played with a little strand of hair that stuck up from static. "Why don't we get you in the tub?"

She looked up then, surprised and interested. "Tub?"

He smirked. "What, you never heard of a tub before?"

She parted her lips at his teasing. "I've heard of a tub. I love tubs. But... am I smelly? I swear I didn't steal your onions this time!"

He laughed again. "You bathe in onions?"

"No! Gross!" She shook her head. "Why would I bathe in onions? I'm not an ogre or... the grinch."

"You're my little grinch," Elijah commented, poking her nose.

She only shook off his touch, and he drew back, laughing softly.

"You say the most random things, Luna," Elijah said.

She watched him carefully. "Do you like it when I say random things?"

He brushed her hair away from her face. "It's amusing, yes."

She smiled then and cuddled.

Elijah just squeezed her against him. "Ohhhh, why am I in love with a seventeen-year-old child?"

"Because I'm cute...?" she said.

"Too cute," he replied.

She only smiled evilly in his chest. "I will always be cute. I can get away with anything! I convinced Max to buy me a forty-dollar dress with my puppy-dog eyes."

Elijah chuckled. "Luna, you can get away with murder."

"I already have," she stated boldly. "He's in the basement."

Elijah glanced down at her. "So that's why there's a dismembered human being scattered all over the floors."

"I was hungry," she stated boldly.

"You need to stop killing humans, though. Or Lily's going to kill me."

Luna gazed up. "You've been dead before. What? Is she going to kill you twice? I'll bring you back! Hehehe."

Elijah just smoothed her hair back. "Such a weird girl."

She smiled lazily up at him.

"Who'd you kill?" Elijah asked her.

"The mailman," she told him. "He deserved it. He always delivers to the wrong house. And I was hungry."

Elijah laughed softly. "So you're just going to kill anyone that slightly annoys you?"

She nodded. "Yes. I can rid of all the lame humans."

He only shook his head. "You gotta clean the scene, though. Leave no traces."

"I am an impulsive, sadistic, childish killer," Luna explained to him. "You are the cool, calculated, adult-ish killer. You know how to clean up messes, I make them!"

He gave her a look and she smiled sweetly.

"Ugh... you're too cute for you own good." He pushed her head back to his chest.

After a moment of him brushing his fingers through her hair, Luna closed her eyes, loving the fluttery feeling it gave her.

But Elijah spoke, making her lashes part, "Hey, I have a proposition."

She glanced up at him, smiling softly. "Yes?"

His eyes searched her features, and he finally said, "Why don't you let me take care of you today? All day," he added, "all about you."

Luna's lips parted. "But... it's only my birthday."

"I know," Elijah explained, eyes soft but dark, "that's why I want to take care of you."

She searched his features for a moment before shaking her head and setting it on his chest. "No... birthdays are selfish and spoiling. I don't want a bad omen."

He was silent for too long, but when he finally spoke, his voice was dark. "Is that what the master taught you?"

She grew silent, closing her eyes tightly.

"Thought so," he said then. "Do you remember what I said?"

"Yes..." she whispered sadly, "tuck away everything the master said and let you and Miss Veronica teach me the real things."

"Good," Elijah said then, "so are you going to let me make today all about you?"

"No..." she replied, "bad omen."

He sighed, shaking his head.

God, she was so stubborn.

"Luna, look at me," he said then.

She didn't; just buried her face in his neck.

"Luna," Elijah said, warning in his tone, "look at me now, Honey."

She shifted and hesitantly gazed up, but his eyes were soft.

"Just let me..." he whispered, running his thumbs along her cheekbones, "please? Let me teach you what a birthday is."

She set her head on his chest, sighing through her nose. "Fine, but I'm hungry." She lightly nipped his chest, making him gasp. "Om—nom."

"Ow," Elijah said, shifting until she let go, "stop that."

Luna giggled then, and he only smiled down at her.

"Bath time..." he whispered, "let's go."

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