Basics before you dive into the story

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Thank you for taking time to read my story. This is my first attempt at writing of any sorts.

I would like to clear out some basic things regarding this book.

This story will be a cross over between Marvel and DC universe. Though it has characters from both world, this story revolves around my own MC Fallon.

I won't be quoting every single dialogue from any of the movies/series. If you have already watched the TASM movies, it will be easy to follow the sequence. But I'll be changing the timeline a bit in some places depending on how the story proceeds.

References to scenes from the movie/series will be mentioned wherever necessary instead of the whole script inserted in the plot. Fallon will appear only where she is relevant and the same goes with other characters. If you're looking for a story with the MC in every scene of the movie/series, this one isn't for you.

The storyline won't deviate from the movie for the original TASM characters. This is a mere extension of the plot.

This story contains sensitive content such as kidnapping, psychological torture, some violence, mental disorder including paranoia, social anxiety, depression. I won't include TW at the beginning of every chapter. If you're reading this story, you're consenting to be exposed to these topics. Kindly choose your mental health first before entertainment.

The readers have full liberty to imagine the appearance of the characters as they like and there will be no mention of physical characterisation/perfection in any of the chapters.

I am an Asian. The way I imagine the characters or their lives is based on my understanding of western culture from western media. I would appreciate if you could refrain from discouraging the writing when they don't relate to the plot.

The chapters I upload have gone through only 2 stages of editing. Once I complete the story, I'll be editing and polishing it to fit the plot better. Feel free to read whenever you're ready.

To the ones who are back again, thank you and welcome back. 

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