106.2 MARCOS

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AN: Hello, my sweethearts

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AN: Hello, my sweethearts. As promised, I'm back and ready to complete this book, so here it is


We made our way to the Pack Hospital at Rexx Jackson's request. He wanted to see Michelle's body to make sure she was dead. We were walking through the hospital halls to find Dr. Johnson, but he was already walking toward us, and that's when things got uncomfortable.


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Dr. Johnson

When Dr. Johnson stepped toward us, he froze in his tracks. His eyes shifted hues, and an unsettling growl escaped his lips. "Mate!" he declared. Rexx Jackson, wide-eyed, stared back.

Haylee's voice sliced through the air, her disbelief palpable. "Mate?" she exclaimed, her eyes locking onto Rexx. "Babe, you've been adamant about being mateless. So why is this pitiful excuse for a doctor suddenly claiming to be yours?" Her disdainful gaze swept over Dr. Johnson, leaving no room for doubt about her feelings.

She continued her tirade, "Reject him now!" Her voice thundered. "We're getting married in a few months, and he's not even worth your attention!"

I glanced back at the doctor. His expression was a mix of pain and rapid recovery, masked behind a professional facade.

Meanwhile, Haylee's screams grew louder, and Rexx appeared paralyzed, unable to utter a word. "Do it now," she spat, "Before I call Daddy. You're mine, and this piece of shit won't take you away from me!"

I watched the situation unfold without getting in the middle, but enough was enough. I couldn't tolerate Haylee any longer. But before I could respond, Dr. Johnson's voice crackled with intensity as he faced Haylee, his eyes flickering between blue and dark brown, letting me know that his wolf was at the front.

"Watch it!" he snapped. "I won't stand here and let you belittle what I've endured to reach this point. You don't know me, but I know who you are, lady, and how you and your father treat your pack members. Maybe I'm just a lowly doctor in your eyes, unworthy of my mate, but I wager my life that you've never worked an honest day-just coasting on Daddy's wealth. As for my mate? You can keep him; I don't need one. Twenty-seven years without, and I'm still standing. This drama? Not my scene."

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