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Once Emily, Eric, and Aaron had taken Camilla, Rolan, and Cecilia to the dungeon, I contacted my brother though our private mind-link

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Once Emily, Eric, and Aaron had taken Camilla, Rolan, and Cecilia to the dungeon, I contacted my brother though our private mind-link. "Could you bring Eva here, Javier?" I asked him. "We have more questions for her - particularly about Elder Leon's involvement." His response was prompt: "On my way."

I then made myself comfortable in my chair behind the desk while Elder Malik and Elder Ruth sat beside me. Aiyden joined us at the table, sitting in a chair I had moved beside mine. It was only then that I realized Trayvon had left with Javier. The room fell silent until Elder Malik decided to speak.

"I'm really sorry, Alpha Marcos, that your son is going through this. It's hard to think about how much pain he must have felt," I sighed.

"I blame myself. I should have kept a closer eye on my son." I put my head in my hands, feeling so much guilt. I failed him as a brother and now father. My mate held my hand lightly and said.

"We're both to blame. We were so caught up in our problems that we didn't see how much he was hurting." Just then, the office door opened, and Eva walked in first, followed by Javier and Trayvon.

Javier's gaze swept the room, finally resting on Aiyden and me. His brow furrowed in confusion as he asked, "What's going on?" I communicated with him through our mind-link, not wanting Eva to overhear. She was already trembling, her eyes wide with fear as she watched us.

"Later, we must talk about Carlos," I reassured him with a melancholy smile. Javier returned my gaze, a silent question in his eyes, before nodding in understanding.

In my commanding Alpha voice, I addressed Eva, "Eva, take a seat. We must ask you some questions, and you must tell us everything you know." Her voice quivered as she responded.

"I'll share all that I know, Alpha Marcos. I'm tired of being a coward. This madness needs to end." I noticed the bruises on her neck as if someone had tried to strangle her. Her usually vibrant blue eyes were dull, her complexion was pale, and her hair was disheveled - details I hadn't noticed earlier. 

As everyone rearranged their chairs, Javier set one in the center for Eva. Once everyone has settled, I commanded in my Alpha voice, "You may begin!"

She started crying as she began to speak. "Do you remember when we first came here five years ago?" Javier and I nodded. We remembered when they arrived with James and his family. Elder Leon was the one who brought them here. We didn't suspect anything; we believed everything Elder Leon told us. That was our first mistake...Eva continued her story.

"We came here because Elder Leon brought us, not because we lost our pack following the rogues attacking the pack. Our Alpha had told us to leave. James and Roman were involved in some scheme. I don't know everything; they're the only ones who do. Maybe you can ask James." She paused for a bit. Aiyden immediately got up and handed her a glass of water. She breathed deeply and said, "Thank you, Luna," to my mate. She kept holding the glass after she drank the water, looking down at it as she continued her story.

"Roman was a good mate until he became friends with James and Elder Leon. They hated Omegas because they thought Omegas were weak and worthless, and since I'm an Omega, they started hating me too. Roman became abusive towards me, and it worsened when we moved here. My daughter started spending most of her time at Lucas's house. I think that's how she started hating me, too. They filled her head with all this hate towards Omegas and homosexuals. Camilla became so obsessed with Lucas that she couldn't think of anything else. James, Lucas's dad, was pleased about it; he thought Camilla would be the perfect mate for his son, even though one day Lucas and Camilla might meet their soulmates." Eva paused again, then looked at us.

"After Camilla grew up she began to mistreat me. Sometimes, they would lock me in the basement or a room without food or water for days. They didn't talk to me about anything else. I know that Lucas is not the father of Camilla's pup - it's her mate's, but I don't know who he is. Saying that Lucas was Camilla's pup's father, was their idea, James wanted to separate your son and Lucas when he found out they were mates." Eva looked at us pleadingly, "I'm sorry, Alpha. I was too afraid to tell you. But I'm so tired of living this hell. You can do whatever you want with me." She began to cry loudly; my mate and Trayvon stood up from their seats to hug her. 

We all looked at each other, probably thinking the same thing and asking ourselves the same question as I did...I will kill James and Elder Leon... what should I do with Eva?...


AN: What do you guys think Marcos would do to Eva? 😭

I wasn't planning on updating today, but I was so excited to write this chapter I couldn't help it ☺️

Continue next...



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