Day 7

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It's been a week since the alert went off.

Johnnie and Jake have been saving food and only eating one meal per day.

The electricity has yet to go out, so they are still eating whats in the fridge, incase the power goes out.

They still have running water and everything.

In Horror movies when there is a Zombie outbreak for some reason all the power and water goes out as soon as the out break starts, but surly it wouldn't go out for at least 3 months.

The Tv network has been cut off though.

Along with the WiFi.

There cells still have service, but it's just a ticking clock till it goes out.

"Jake.. Are we going to die?" Johnnie asks from where he is sat.

He's on the couch in the little corner.

Jake is standing looking out the window.

He watches as two zombies eat the corpse of a dog.

It's a disgusting sight.

Jake sighs.

"I don't know." His breath shakey.

"This feels unreal" Johnnie says standing up and walking over to Jake.

Gasping as he sees this horrid sight.

The zombies shoot there head up, their jaws hanging low looking to see where the sound came from.

They get up and sprint towards a survivor who was attempting to sneak past.

"Oh god" Johnnie says dropping to the floor, knees to his chest and covering his eyes.

Jake closes the curtains and looks at the sad sight before him.

"Did you take your medicine today, Johnnie?" Jake asked.

Johnnie shakes his head no.

Jake walks to the bathroom and goes to grab johnnies Lexipro when he sees the bottle is empty.

"Fuck" He said to himself.

He new what he had to do right then and there.

He didn't want to.

But he couldn't risk Johnnie being overwhelmed and anxious 24/4.

He wanted the best for him.

The pharmacy wasn't too far.

About a mile out.

Jake walked back into the living room and saw Johnnie now on the couch.

"You're out" He said sheepishly.

"Fuck, really? No... No no no, Jake no I need it, I'll be dizzy if I don't have it" Johnnie said nervous.

Jake understood what he meant.

When Jake used to take Anxiety medication and he would forget to take it he would feel so dizzy, like he was on the brink of passing out ever time he opened his eyes.

"I know you're gonna say no. But I'm gonna go to the Pharmacy and grab all of the medicine I can and look for the kind you take."

"No, are you fucking stupid?! it's to fucking dangerous and you know it!" Johnnie stated standing up and looking at Jake.

Concern laced over his face and voice.

"Johnnie, you need your meds. And you know you do. I'll be safe, I'm a bad bitch, I've got this don't worry. I'll bring a switch blade, and I'll even take the pistol if I have to." Jake stated.

They had a pistol in case of break ins.

You never know.

Everyone needs a firearm in their homes nowadays.

The world's to dangerous.

Especially now since corpses are alive and walking.

"Fine. But God Jake don't be a jackass and goof off. I can't lose you, you're all I got." Johnnie says tearing up slightly.

"I'll be back. And I swear on that." Jakes heart begins to beat quickly.

Adrenaline pulsing through his veins.

Was he really about to do this?

'Anything for Johnnie' he thought to himself.

588 words

Brains : j.w × j.gOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora