Breaking Step, Chapter 62

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Sto had changed the designs on the steps again. He'd added creatures from the third floor on the higher steps. The last one having a particularly graphic depiction of three Gnolls ripping a Runner apart. Sto hadn't greeted him by the time they reached the entrance.

The cleric by the door looked them over and nodded, while the guards barely glanced in their direction as they stepped inside. Still no greeting.

Tibs hurried to the doorway.

"We have half the day," Don called. "There's no need to hurry."

"You're on the wrong team," Jackal replied with a laugh, keeping up with Tibs, "If you think loot should be delayed."

"I'm more concerned with you making mistakes," the sorcerer said.

"You can stop being concerned about that," Mez said, "and be certain it's going to happen, no matter how slow our leader—"

Tibs lost the rest as he crossed the doorway to the third floor and hurried to the center of the hall, avoiding the triggers. "Come on," he called to his team as they stepped through the doorway. He could feel the strain from his grin; it was so wide.

"What's with him today?" the sorcerer asked. "I get he likes the runs, but this morning it's like there's a gift waiting for him at end."

"There's loot," Jackal replied in a tone that said he didn't understand how Don still wasn't getting that.

"Sto," Tibs called. "You here?"

"Is this wise?" Khumdar asked as the others stopped walking to stare at Tibs. Don's expression was thoughtful and slightly perplexed.

"You said that name," the sorcerer said, "when we started talking about everything you can do."

"And I said I'd explain some of it here," Tibs replied, eyes on the ceiling. "Sto?" Silence. "Ganny?" He looked down. Maybe they were still busy getting the fourth floor ready for them? He looked up again. Or maybe they were enjoying the new runners going through the first floor. Sto had always liked watching how people who had no idea what to expect failed his traps.

"Tibs?" Don asked, his tone uncertain. "Who are you calling out to?"

"I'll explain when one of them answers."

The sorcerer looked at the others. "Any of you know what's going on?"

"Yes," Mez answered cautiously. "But I don't think we can explain it. It's not exactly...."

"Believable," Khumdar finished.

"Tibs?" Sto asked, sounding like he was moving closer. "Did you say something?"

"Sto! You're back."

"Yes. With Don on your team, I figured it was best I be elsewhere and avoid the temptation to comment and have you reply."

Tibs ignored the look Don gave him. "He found out I have multiple elements. Then we talked, and I told him everything. Only some things I couldn't explain without you there to help."

"Tibs," Don said cautiously. "What's going on?" He looked at the others who, other than Jackal, shared a concerned expression. The fighter looked impatient.

"Don," Tibs said, smiling. "I'd like you to meet Sto." He motioned around them. "The dungeon."

"Is he serious?" Don asked Mez. "He named the dungeon?"

"He didn't name it," Mez said.

"You realize he can't hear me, Tibs?"

"I thought you could do like you did with Jackal. Bring a Big Brute here to interact with him."

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