Breaking Step, Chapter 08

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The tents created a space much like what Market Place had been, but with everything larger. Instead of booths, people would live out of the tents, and they were spaced further apart. Tibs expected that once those who would be stuck living there arrived, it would be chaos, much like what he'd experienced when he'd arrived.

Again, he couldn't understand the guild's decision to waste workers on paving the path to Sto's steps instead of building housing for the new runners and more families.

Tibs stood in the open space on the other side of the path from where the shops were being constructed, along with the other teams, two and six of them. The runners had formed nine teams, and the nobles comprised the rest. One group was on a side of the space, the other at the other end, with ample space between them. Amelia had acknowledged Tibs as she and her team arrived, but had joined the other nobles.

That she'd been the rare noble to take part in protecting Kragle Rock had done little to change the Runners' attitude toward her. She was the least horrible of the nobles, but she remained a noble first and foremost.

The Runners spoke among each other, Don the only one remaining silent on his team. Tibs answered when addressed, but otherwise waited silently for this... whatever Tirania was going to turn it into, to start. And listened to Sto get more and more excited.

The indication things were now underway was the guards planting the board at the bottom of the steps on the side, then adding plaques with names to each of the nine columns. He couldn't make out the names, but counted two and six plaques. While the excitement among the Runners rose, no one moved.

Tirania arrived with Commander Irdian, two guards, and a handful of clerk types that made out most of those working within the guild. She walked up the incline by the stairs until she was even with the fourth step. Irdian remained at the bottom with the guards and clerks, looking at the thin crowd dispassionately.

As Tirania looked them over, Tibs felt a shift in the essence wash over them and beyond his ability to sense. "Today marks when life begins anew for you and Kragle Rock." Her voice sounded all around them. "In a few days, the Omegas will arrive. Tomorrow the reconstruction of the town begins. And today, the first team starts their run."

"Yes!" Sto yelled. He was the sole person to react, but if lack of enthusiasm at her words registered, Tirania didn't show it.

"Because of their part in protecting the town, the Team of Heroes will go first."

"Ganny!" Sto yelled, "Tibs is coming in!"

Again, if the lack of reaction bothered her, she didn't show it.

The lack of reaction at this news from the nobles surprised Tibs. The last time she's done something like this, their protest had been vocal. Maybe this time she'd informed them ahead of time in private. Or maybe the nobles learned there was someone they couldn't bully into agreeing with everything they wanted, and no longer wasted time arguing with the guild leader... or should he think of her as sub-leader if she took someone else's orders?

"Once they are inside, the rest can look over the board to learn in what order the teams will go in starting tomorrow. Because all of you have earned the guild's respect through your actions, there will no longer be a fee attached to going in early. The rotation will be done automatically so that over the course of the coming weeks, each team will go in first."

Tibs's silent scoff was voiced by Jackal, Mez and other Runners. The decision had to have more to do with the Runners not giving coins to the guild for the 'privilege' of going in early for months, rather than the respect she claimed they had earned. Had the nobles bothered giving more than a coin or two by the end? Well, it would be two at a minimum, since Don had never managed to pay for the first position on the board.

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