Breaking Step, Chapter 46

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"So..." Jackal nodded toward the sorcerer at the counter, speaking with Mez, as Tibs sat at their table. "You don't hate his guts anymore?"

"We talked." Immediately, that sounded inadequate. "I listened. He didn't lie when he said he was scared we wouldn't let him on the team."

"He was correct," Khumdar said. "Without Tirania forcing the issue, you would not have allowed him to join."

"I know." Tibs watched the exchange between the archer and sorcerer turn heated, and people step away from them. It was mainly Mez talking and gesturing, and Don looking penitent. "I couldn't see past how he'd been." He shrugged. "But I believe him when he says he wants to be better."

"Believe?" the cleric asked. "Or know?"

"He's being truthful when he says he wants to change," Tibs replied. "That's what light sees. I can't know if he'll stick to it."

"You have to get Void for that," Jackal said between bites.

"I'd rather not." Tibs shuddered. "They all seem to turn strange."

Kroseph placed a plate of spicy smelling meats and vegetables before Tibs. "I'm proud of you." He squeezed his shoulder, putting the tankard next to the plate.

Tibs didn't feel like he'd done anything worth being proud about. It had taken being confronted by his own hypocrisy before he'd done the right thing.

The server nodded to Don in greetings as they crossed path, then he and the archer sat at the table.

"You two going to be okay?" Jackal asked.

"We'll see." Mez started eating, then paused. "But you don't have to worry about me shooting him in the back anymore."

"He made it clear he'd look me in the eye before planting an arrow into me," Don added.

"It's always good to know it's coming," Jackal said. "That way, you can think about what you did to deserve it."

"Thank you for the advice," the sorcerer said, sarcasm slipping into the tone. "I'll make sure to face you next time you deserve being punched."

Mez rolled his eyes. "Shoot him with corruption. You'll just break your hand if you punch him."

"And I do not believe that is an action warranting the use of a healing potion." Khumdar added.

"We know clerics, don't we?" Don asked.

The cleric smiled. "But how may of them like you?"

Don opened his mouth, closed it, then narrowed his eyes at Tibs. "You know. I'm starting to regret this 'being better' thing." The words glowed. "It was a lot easier to get stuff when I just went around scaring people into giving it to me."

"Poor little sorcerer," Mez said. "However, shall you survive it?"

"You are so lucky I promised to be nicer to you, Mezano," Don said, trying to sound threatening.

The archer beamed. "Don't worry, I'll take full advantage of that."

"Jackal, can I get your permission to punch the archer?"

"Not unless he does something to deserve it," the fighter answered, barely pausing in eating.

"He's—" Don sighed. "You know, you guys are supposed to be the nice ones."

"But this is us being nice," Jackal replied in an offended tone. "We let you back on the team, didn't we?"

"Just so I could suffer," Don muttered.

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