40. A Deal with Childlike Idiot

Start from the beginning

It's all Rudra's fault or maybe not. But This world's survival rate is low now because of him.

"Okay, I will try my best to save this world when the time comes but first I will check about Rudra's Character. If he is not worthy to become a Hero then I will go for Earth's other heroes" I will see what type of person Rudra is.

"Hmm, good. But Rudra is not a hero, he is a King" Bolt said and started to leave.

"So I'm not going to see you for a few years, Right," Uatu said

"Yes, ... Now I'm going to meet Mother Earth," Bolt said and disappeared.

Then Uatu went to his machines to see Alternate versions of Rudra.

And Uatu also met Future possibilities Of Rudra and commented on his actions. Uatu is the one who told to Vampire Rudra How foolish his decisions are and destroyed the world. (A/N: Real Mc met this vampire Rudra in Dream)


{Avalon, Reverse Side of the World}

(A/N: Marvel Avalon, Just like in the Fate series, in Marvel comics they have Avalon.)

Avalon was created by Gaea as her dimension realm and one of the first four Inner Planes.

This place is the bottom layer of the planet, and it is covered by the "Reverse Side of the World", the place where the laws of the "World" as it once was reigned, and covering that is the "Present World" where humans of the Age of Man live.

A land of tranquil beauty and fairy forests, Avalon has long stood as a haven for honor, magic, and the pursuit of knightly virtue. Avalon is spiritually and subconsciously tied to the land itself in Earth's own Britain.

This is the place where many extinct supernatural beings live under Mother Gaea. Her brother Chthon also lives here.

Long under the personal protection of the wizard Merlyn, the seat of power at Camelot has been largely held by the great king Arthur Pendragon and his knights. Magic is in the very fabric of Avalon, and the realm is home to many powerful magi( magicians) and practitioners, as such, its people have long lived in peace, safety, and comfort.

After Arthur Pendragon's death, his half-sister Morgan le Fay took over the kingdom in the Avalon.

Then Bolt Suddenly appeared in The garden of Gaea to meet Gaea.


"This place didn't change at all... Beautiful like always" Bolt said.

"Is that you Bolt" he heard a Female Voice from behind.

He turned to see a woman. She looks very beautiful and peaceful. She had light brown hair and green eyes. She is Mother Earth, Gaea.

"Mother," Bolt said. He addresses her as a mother because of respect. She is friendly towards humans and loves humanity. After all, life came from her.

"Long time no see, Child, I saw you last time when you killed Dinosaurs and defeated Set," she said with a Smile.

When Gaea decided to allow the dinosaurs to become extinct, so mammals would evolve in their place. This angered Demon Set, who drew power from them. He made the dinosaurs try to hunt down all mammals, and that's when Bolt came to help Gaea and deal with him. Their battle may have finished killing off the dinosaurs. In the end, Set was banished from Earth again. Even if Bolt didn't come to save that day, Someone could stop Set but Bolt came to gain Gaea's trust and succeed.

"Huh, Yes," Bolt said, Yes he used his powers to kill Dinosaurs, just like How His former Master Sasuke fought with Dinosaurs in his world. But he didn't want anyone to know about this. 

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