23. Harlem fight part 1

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I then remembered she is my servant.

"This servant, Artoria Pendragon, has come in response to your summons. your orders, Master" she said without any expression.

'Buddy, control yourself, I know she is hot' Regus said.

'Fuck you' I cursed him.

I nodded my head to her. Come on Rudra, you have so many things to worry about.

"Henceforth, my sword shall be with you, and your fate shall be with me," she said and again she don't have any expression on her face.

It feels happy to get a beautiful lady calling you, master. But I don't feel like that now.

I stood and tried to be a gentleman but failed. This is the first I tried to talk with a woman other than my mom. With an awkward expression,

"... So you are a servant" I don't know what I am saying. Shit, my first words with her damn it. I bet she thinks me like a weird pervert.

"Yes, thus, you may call me Arthur, master," she said

"... Ohh... I am Eren Maxwell, you can call me Rudra"

".... " she didn't say anything.

"Wait, don't call me, master, I think we should have equal contact," I said to her.

"Then, Rudra," she said


"the sound of that please me, " she said

Wait she liked my name, and she talks elegantly.

"My name is Almighty Regis, You can call me Regis" She surprised to see Regis

Then Regis started to tell about him to her.

"Rudra, ... I can feel a large amount of mana in you, it's almost like you are made of mana. what are you," she said to me.

" I will tell you but first we should go to my house and I want to hear the rules of our contract, "

She nodded and after we went to my house and sat on the ground. She unsummed her armor.

"You can give any order to me, but I have the freedom to choose to follow the other or not, and I won't kill innocent people"

I see then she will be helpful to defeat supervillains in the future. Yes, I can tell she is at another level, wait I can train under her right?

"As a servant, I can't betray you, Rudra you can see the contract seal on your hand." then I saw a tattoo on my hand. It's cool.

"I will support you until you reach your goal"

"I see, then I will tell you about myself and my powers and mainly about this world."

then I started to tell about mutants,  a mixed story of myself and Eren.

"What a strange world," she said, she understood why people fear mutants.

"So, Rudra you are a 'mana being' and you got powers from the Magical system," she said and I nodded, I tried to explain to her a simple way

"But Rudra what is your goal"

My face became calm and I said.

"I want to save innocent mutants from evil humans for now, to make up for the ones I couldn't, that's all I can do"

"I see, is it from the same organization that kidnapped you, and you escaped from them by luck" I didn't say what happened to me to her.

" yes, I will tell you about the Hydra organization" Then I said about them and their motives.

"HYDRA was an authoritarian-subversive paramilitary terrorist organization bent on world domination. It was founded in ancient times, formerly as a cult dedicated to the fanatical worship of Hive, a powerful Inhuman that was exiled to the planet Maveth by ancient Inhumans. Ever since his banishment, the cult had been determined to bring him back to Earth to commence a planetary takeover..... " I said a big story from a comic story.

After hearing she became angry,

"How dare they try to take the freedom of humans, in the name of some evil demon, Rudra we should stop them," She said and was ready to battle with them.

I nodded to her. Then I saw a RED COLOR SCREEN. 

[New quest:  Stop Hulk and Abomination fight, Save innocent people

Reward: To see A possible future, discount on houses and 3000Sp.

Time: host has 6 hours before the battle starts]

Wait, the System never told me about rewards before, WHAT is this red color screen, it must be a serious matter. and those rewards.  I can't refuse them.

But I need to convince Arthur first.


A few hours later

Nick fury pov

"Both Agent Krill and his assistant Agent Dean Haddad died in a car accident. We didn't even find anything strange. Sir" Maria Hill said

I closed my eye,

Both agents are dead no, someone killed them, I sent them to investigate Texas. They must have found something. Then someone from inside the shield killed them.

Something is going on, I should take this matter into my hands. this matter serious than I thought. 

But Hill's face became dark after seeing the news. 

"Sir, a monster like Hulk destroying the streets of Harlem. Sir, I think Mr.Ross is the behind this. " she showed me the news

"Motherfucker, I told him to leave Hulk alone. I want to know what is going on there, Send Black Widow and she is the charge of this mission."

Then I saw the news. Greedy Bastards. Because of them, many innocent people are dying.

A/N:  I know this is short but you will see action in upcoming chapters.

Mc going to meet Hulk.

a small question

Which power tier will be Anodite who had full control over their powers?

I know their power is on mana or life force similar to the Phoenix force. So which level they can be, like a low multi-solar system or solar system?

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