39. Magic at Kamar Taj

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(Rudra pov)

I will see rewards later but First I need to handle the current situation. I saw a total of 159 children, All kids from 4 years to 15 years.

It's surprisingly Less than I thought. Well it's good if there are less

Only a few Adults are there to take care of them. Not only that, all of these children went through torture, and they will need some time to become normal. Again I need outside world help. I need food for those kids. How can I forget this? Yes, I still lacking. I forgot a few things while training in the past month.

I saw Betty, Banner, Taskmaster, my clones, and Tom and Jerry, and Artoria is beside Regis.

"Guys, We need to discuss a few things later, but Frist we need to take care of the kids," I said and Laura and Sarah joined us.

"Betty, Banner, Laura, Tom, Jerry, Taskmaster, You guys should take care of kids and give them houses. And Use my clones if you need help. And Banner,  we brought research tools, but I don't know will they be useful,"

"It's, okay Rudra. They are enough for us. " Banner nodded his head.

"And Sarah, please help them to manage this place. You are the only one who is good at Talking with kids" I said to her.

"I try my best," she said

Then they started to do the given duties.

"Artoria, you should go and take a bath, we did work after all." Both had a Blood smell on them.

Artoria's black suit turned into a normal dress.

"Okay, Rudra" Then after she finished bathing, then Rudra went to bathe. Then he brought his Clothes from the Shop.

Then I and Regis went to Fishing and we brought 2 Sharks to eat.

It seems today we will have a Party. Then I ordered my clones to Cook. Free Workers.

Right now Rudra, Artoria, and Regis waiting for Other members for meeting.

Then he saw his Rewards in First System.

•Divinity ((A+) rank): The host has High Divinity.
-As long Host believes in Gods.

•Charisma Skill ((A+) rank): Charisma is a composite Skill consisting of a person's charm as well as the natural talent to command or unify an army or country. Increases the ability of allies during group battles. A rare talent, and an ability inherent to Servants of the Saver class.

•Godly Beauty ((A+) rank): user possesses divine beauty and is far more attractive. Even Gods will praise the Host's beauty.

•Divine Mimicry Skill: This skill grants him to copy Or can mimic any power, technique, or skill. The limit is up to God's level like Zeus, and Odin. The host can't copy more Powerful people than Gods for Now.
-To Copy, the Host at least needs to See the Skill with his eyes.
-Host Can't copy Low level or Trash level Skills.
-Host can't copy the Skills which have too many weaknesses like (Trash level) My hero Academy Characters Skills.


•99℅ Discount on All products.]

Passive Skills upgraded my Body and beauty but I'm looking at the skill is


"Lucky Bastard, " Regis said after seeing Beauty Skill.

"Hahaha, Divinity, As long I believe Gods, tch, I'm not going to Believe in some gods of this world. They didn't help Earth all these years. I believe in myself and my friends." I said

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