Upon entering the bathroom and somehow shaking hands with the director, Hughie heads straight for the sink in order to wash whatever bodily fluids he had on his hand, and looks up into the mirror to be jump scared by William Butcher, " Jesus Christ!"

" Not quite," Billy utters as he looks the kid up and down," You look sharp. French blue. That suits you."

" What are you doing here?" Hughie asks as he readjusts his suit.

" I found that little asshole we've been on all month," Billy says," He's having a knees-up at a penthouse tonight."

" Okay. Who's your source?" Hughie asks once more.

" My source is none of your fucking business," Billy quips," Look, me and the Boys, we're all set up. We just need you to, uh... give us a green light."

" Okay. Um, I'll talk to Neuman."

" Or you could take your tongue out of her ass, slap on your big-boy pants and make a fucking decision."

" You got something you want to say to me?" Hughie asks as starts to big dick the other man.

" I think I just fucking said it, son," Billy utters as he steps forward.

" Just photos," Hughie says,"  No violence or maiming or torture or curb stomping or setting anyone on fire."

Billy nods and makes his way out, before stopping and turning his head around," Make sure Rapunzel stays inside the Tower for once."

A radical change of heart for The Boys, yet one they'd had to adopt, for Homelander is not the only supe starting to lose it.

Petra talks to a poster of her father like he's really there, she's plagued with visions and voices inside of her head, she uses her mind control without even trying, and now she's able to tick cold-blooded murder off of her list.

Petra is spiraling and has been for a while.

She's in the dark about Stormfront's presence in the Tower, for she thought Stormfront has died. Vought has kept it secret from her, as they always do.

Petra has her fame and her fans, and above all, she has her smile. One flash of her pearly whites, and the world seems to turn a blind eye to her scandals in the newspaper.

The morning after the premiere, Petra wakes up to the relentless buzz of her phone. Notifications flood her screen, each one a reminder of the fame she's cultivated. She scrolls through the messages, a satisfied smirk playing on her lips as she revels in the attention.

As she rises from her bed, the weight of her newfound celebrity status hangs heavy in the air. She knows she's being watched, scrutinized from every angle by the prying eyes of the public. But Petra thrives under the spotlight, relishing in the adoration of her fans.

As she heads out the door, the paparazzi are waiting, their cameras poised to capture her every move. Petra flashes her trademark smile, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she poses for the flashing lights.

The day is a whirlwind of photoshoots and interviews, each one an opportunity to solidify her status as the next big thing. Petra basks in the attention, soaking up the adulation like a sponge.

But amidst the glitz and glamour, a nagging thought lingers in the back of her mind – her true destiny lies with the Seven. She's always known it, deep down in her bones. It's her birthright, her legacy.

And it's a sentiment she keeps with her during her interview with Cameron Coleman," Thank you for joining us, Hexa. It's not every day I get to sit down with the most beautiful supe in the world."

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