Was that his story?

Sounded like a shit one.

In a way, everyone who surrounded Smit, Orbited him, was the same. Everyone was a planet, and Smit is the sun, the only thing keeping them together is his gravity.

The only thing bringing them together, bringing each other into a space where they could vent, make new friends, and start a new life, was their sun.

Smit was a damn good sun, a good leader, but he didn't like to brag.

Everyone he knew, and didn't hate for a reason, was his friend, someone else pulled into the orbit.

Everyone pulled into that orbit lived an infinitely happier life, whether they chose to stay, or leave.

Smit just made everyone happy, but couldn't seem to make himself happy. He was always fighting with himself, with his head. The sun was slowly imploding, and everyone just continued floating around it, happy, until they too are burnt.

Seemed like an accurate analogy.

John just needed to help the sun, the true core of the entire system, and everything would be okay.

He loved the sun so fucking much that helping him wouldn't be a problem. He just needed to convince himself that he felt the same.

Honestly, John was fine with Smit being the center of the universe. He deserved it, and he could have it.

He was already the center of his universe.

John's thoughts were interrupted by Smit himself, staring at him with concern and anger. He also noticed Puffer cowering behind him, as if he was a kicked dog, which he probably was in this situation.

"Why is he in here?" Smit grumbled, his gaze softened, but only a little.

"Smitty, please let me explain." Puffer tried, but was cut off.

"DONT." Smii7y growled, John had never seen him act so dominantly, and he kinda liked it, but that WAS NOT his focus right now.

"Don't fucking talk to me, I don't want to hear it, and don't call me that." Smii7y snapped towards an already sulking, and now panicked Puffer.

"Smit, calm down." John said gently, as he watched Smits head snap back towards him.

"Calm down? John are you serious?" Smii7y's gaze changed looking at John, rather than poor Puffer.

John couldn't help but notice Smits hemet was not on, and his vibrant white bangs exposed to the world. So cute, yet so angry. John really wasn't taking Smits tantrum seriously, even though he should.

"I'll explain for him, if that makes you feel better." John offered, his voice still gentle, and soothing. 

This was like trying to calm an angry tiger.

"No, I don't want him near you at all, and if you two were fucking, I'll beat the shit out of both of you. Puffer for being an asshole, and you for breaking my trust." Smit basically hissed the statement at him, he didn't hold the malice from seeping through his voice.

"Smit, please, he's not here for that, can you please listen?" John stood up from where he was sitting. He made sure to make every movement as predicable as possible to avoid any confusion, or any more anger.

"Listen to me for a second, I don't want to have-" Smits tantrum was cut short when John snapped for a brief moment, slamming his hands down on the table to get Smits full attention, not just his angry words which he knew he didn't really mean.

"I have been listening to you, but if you'd let me explain, this whole miscommunication can be dealt with." John spoke calmly, being angry back to an angry tiger only made them more violent. "You can't understand what actually happened, if you don't let me explain."

Puffer royally fucked off, too spooked by Smit to approach again, instead he hid by the couch, and peaked just enough to watch.

"I-... I'm sorry." Smit mumbled, it seemed he realized his mistake already.

"Don't be sorry, I know you have your reasons to be angry, but yelling at me won't fix them." John contemplated telling Smit to ask Puffer, so he could hear how sorry Puffer was, and hear him tremble when he told him the truth.

It would be more convincing than Johns probably half assed side of the story, but Puffer was entirely spooked, and scared of Smit at the moment, and for good reason.

"Puffer is here because I wanted to know the truth, and I got it, so just relax." John sighed. "Im sure once you stop freaking him out, he could tell you what happened in far more detail than me."

Smit twitched, probably out of frustration, but nodded regardless.

"Why are you here anyway." John asked, trying to take Smits mind off the anger.

"Well I was going to just come see you, and since you were here, I was sure you wouldn't mind." Smii7y answered honestly.

Good to see someone can handle their own anger.

But who knows how long that will last.

~ A/N ~

Puffer is actually really sweet!

-Fun Fact(s)-

Johns a really good mediator, because he doesn't blame either side, he tells them both where they went wrong. He's also really calm most of the time, and doesn't really get angry, or upset. Although he is human, he still feels emotions, just not extremely.

The unknown friend Eli mourns over is Tucker.

Matt and Smit played hockey together at one point. (Smit was better at it though.)

Puffer isn't all too short, close to 5'10-5'9

Thief With A Bike ~ Krii7yWhere stories live. Discover now