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"Yeah, I'm walking into my dressing room right now," I tell my husband and there were a few of my team that were waiting for me inside. They looked at me and tilted their head
All I did was shift my ring hand and they were able to tell who I was talking to. "What are you going to be talking about again?" Zayn asked and I shrugged. "Nothing too big. Just general stuff about my career. Of course there are going to be questions that pertains to One Direction, but I'm going to need to be as subtle as possible. I have to play it cool pretty much," I tell him and sit in my chair. "I wish I was there to watch. I need to try out my soon-to-be released liquor," he said and I smiled. "I'm so proud of you by the way. You are trying these new things and you're opening up so much." I watched him smile and he thanked me sweetly.

I'm about to do another interview and i was about nervous. Sure it's not my first interview, but it's like five days before we all reunite and I get the chance to announce to the world that I'm in fact bisexual and I have been married to the love of my life for the last 4 years of my life. Been with him for 7 years in total.

This has been a long time coming for us. The only thing that I will say is that Zayn and I had the easiest of it I guess. Because our management did everything and I really do mean it when I say everything to keep Harry and Louis apart and seem as straight as possible. When Zayn and I got together, management was aware, but they didn't talk to us, because the fans weren't able to tell at all. Well a good handful of them thought that something was going on, but that was basically nothing compared to how many knew that Harry and Louis were together. Zayn and I just mutually and silently agreed to keep it a heavy secret. We acted the same around each other like how we would if it were the others.

There were moments where I would slip or the other way around, but management didn't scold us like mad over it. Because we were able to pull it off so easily.

Anyways, I was sitting in a chair, getting my mic on while texting Zayn at the same time.

Z: I will be watching you for sure. Told my team that I will take a break just so that I can catch your interview.

But baby, this project has been a big one for you?

Z: Getting prepared to release my own liquor? Or watch my husband do another interview? I'm a supportive type of husband in case if you have forgotten 😘. It's not like I can't continue the meeting after I'm done

Yeah, I know you are.

Z: I just can't wait for what is to come in only 5 days. I'll be able to tell the world that I am yours and yours only. Be able to let them also know that you are mine. This has been a long journey babe.

I know... It's just so crazy and it makes my emotions get so wild whenever I think about it. Like... I'm really going to be freed from this. We are going to be freed from the biggest secret that we have kept locked up for so long.

Z: There will be no more hiding once these 5 days are up Lima. Just can't wait for all of this to be done so that I can kiss you no matter where we are. I love you so much.

I love you darling. Very much.

I chuckled and shook my head fondly while my emotions were acting up on the inside. It was just surreal for us and the fact that I'm really realizing that it's happening... it's making me feel... undescribable. Zayn wished me good luck one more time and I was then called to get ready to get on stage. I thanked my crew and made my way. When I was called, I stepped out, smiling and waving at the fans that were in the audience. I bowed and thanked them. I walked up to greet the host that invited me into his show. I took a seat first before he sat down. He thanked me for coming again and I thanked him right back.

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