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It has been 3 weeks since I've last seen my husband. He tried to make it to me every 2 weeks, but it's been a bit hectic for him. It was just hard for him to plan out days where he could fly out or see me. I have been filming (yes, I got the role) nonstop. The only day that I had off was this past Saturday, but that was because of me being sick. Louis really tried then to get to me in order to take care of me, but it was just impossible for him and his management was seriously trying everything in order to keep the two of us apart.

Well no more!

I wanted to surprise my husband and I thought of no better way than to fly to where my Lou is and be with him for today. I'm actually getting on my private jet right now, so it's only a matter of time before I get to physically see my Lou's. This flight was going to be about 3 hours long, so in order to get to him at a reasonable time, I had to be on the plane at 9:30. I woke up at 7:30 in order to get myself fully ready. Thank God I'm more of a morning person or this would've killed me and I would rather not meet up with my husband with a frown on my face.

Anyways! I was texting my lover as the pilot was getting ready to start the flight. I was telling him a few lies about my whereabouts. I told him that I was at the gym with a few friends. He sent back a frowny face because I know that he's feeling a bit jealous. Liam was able to surprise Zayn and spend the day with him, and I know that Louis wants the same thing. It makes my heart warm up whenever he says that it's not a great time if I'm not there with him. I kept telling him that there was only a matter of time before I'm back home, but he wasn't happy with it. Because it just had him whining a little more. Which I'm okay with. He's cute when he's whiny.

"And we are ready Mr. Styles!" My pilot called back and I nodded my head and said a quick goodbye to my husband before I put my phone up and relaxed.

I so can't wait to get home...

3 hours later...
"Thanks guys! You guys are amazing," I said with a big smile as we have safely landed and I was now shaking hands with the people that were on my jet. "It's no problem Mr. Styles. Have a wonderful day, okay?" "Oh, I definitely will! I've got a husband to surprise after all," I said, feeling all giddy. They chuckled and we said goodbye and I got off of the jet.

I made my way through the airport and I was guided to my car. I didn't want to stop for pictures. As much as I love my fans, I love Louis a lot more, and my hunt to find the cute man was officially starting. I pulled out my phone to text Niall and ask him where they were.

Me: Hey Niall! Please don't tell Louis, but I've arrived! I want to surprise him, so can you please tell me where you guys are?
Niall: Of course H! We are at Teresa's Coffee. Here's the address....
Me: Got it! Thank you so much! Will be there in... 10 minutes. Stall if you can!
Niall: Will do. See you then.

I smiled and told my driver where to go and the drive began. We listened to some relaxing music as we were on the way to the coffee shop. Of course the drive wasn't going to take long. After all of this running around, I officially got to the shop at 12:56PM. Which is fine by me. I thanked my driver and gave him some money before I got out and took my bags out. I walked up to the shop and opened the doors.

I stepped in and I looked around, before I locked eyes with Niall. He nodded at me and I smiled at him. I then looked at my husband and I chuckled softly when I saw him looking bored on his phone. He was listening to whatever Liam or Zayn were talking about about and he didn't look totally interested. Which made me laugh a bit on the inside. This place was packed, so I know that I can't just walk up and kiss my husband from out of nowhere. I had to be subtle.

I walked up to the table and the three friends looked at me. "Oh, hey Harry," Liam said with a friendly smile. "Hey Liam, Zayn. Hi Louis," I said and saw my husband already looking at me with a look that just screamed pure happiness. I sat down next to Niall without breaking much eye contact. "So what have you guys been up to?" Liam asked and I blinked. "Oh, the team is taking a bit of a break from filming. I'll be around for a good week before I have to go back," I said and they hmed. "How far are you guys in the movie?" Louis asked as he took a fry and popped it into his mouth. "We basically have a good start on it. The director told me that this could take up to 3 months."

The Reunion Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora