Part 19

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Guided only by the faint glow of torches flickering in the distance. The sounds of chanting echoed through the trees. I approached the clearing where the cult held their meetings.

This is the moment I would see all their faces. I was one of them now.

As I stepped into the open space, I was met with a scene straight out of a nightmare. The cultists, draped in tattered robes and adorned with grotesque masks, moved in a hypnotic dance around the flickering flames of the bonfire. Their voices rose and fell in a discordant chorus, the words of their ancient ritual filling the night.

Suddenly, a hand grasped my shoulder, and I spun around to find Mark standing behind me.

Mark's grip tightened on my shoulder, his gaze piercing the darkness. "You don't understand, Fleur," he said, his tone urgent. "This isn't a game. Once you're in, there's no turning back. You will know them, and they will know you."

Drawing closer, I could make out the faces of the cult members, their eyes gleaming with a fanatical fervor that sent a chill down my spine. Among them, I recognized familiar faces from the town—neighbors, friends—all bound together by their shared devotion to the darkness within the bayou.

As I approached the inner circle of the gathering, I was met with a wall of resistance. The cult members eyed me warily, their expressions a mixture of curiosity and suspicion.

"Fleur Claxton," a voice boomed from the shadows.

Steeling myself against the overwhelming dread that threatened to consume me, I stepped forward, my voice steady despite the fear gripping my heart. "I come seeking answers," I declared.

The cult leader emerged from the darkness, his features obscured by the hood of his robe. His eyes bore into me with an intensity that made my skin crawl like he could see through the darkness within my soul.

"And what answers do you seek, child?" the leader asked, his voice a low, guttural growl that seemed to reverberate through the clearing.

I hesitated momentarily, my mind racing as I struggled to find the words. "I seek the truth," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper. "The truth about my father, about the cult, about my mother. I need to know what happened to her."

"The truth is not easily obtained, child," the leader intoned, "But if you are truly determined to uncover it, you must be willing to sacrifice."

I stepped forward and steeled my spin.

"I offer another in sacrifice,"  I said, the words tasting like ash on my tongue.

To be continued.....

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