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CHAPTER 8 (2/2)

In a sprawling garden where the family had gathered for a joyous celebration, a sudden hush fell over the festive atmosphere. One of their staff approached with a heavy heart, calling the attention of the elder family members.

Staff: Ma'am, Sir, there's news about Sir Tin. He's on his way back, but it's not good-he's in critical condition.

This revelation sent shockwaves through the entire family. Tin's mother couldn't contain her tears, grappling with the weight of the unexpected news. Tin's father, visibly shaken, reached for his cellphone to verify the heartbreaking situation, clinging to the hope that Tin would somehow overcome the dire circumstances.

The news had a profound impact, and Tin's mother, overwhelmed by emotion, fainted from the shock. Meanwhile, Tin's father was left in a state of disbelief, struggling to come to terms with the grim reality of Tin's precarious condition.

Within a day, Tin's body would be brought home before being transferred to the hospital. The atmosphere during his return was filled with sorrow and anxiety, leaving many peacemakers stunned by the unfortunate turn of events.

Naret, having just emerged from chaos himself, where he, too, had been battered, attempted to contact Tin through the radio. However, there was no response. Watching the news unfold, he saw Tin being taken and rushed to the general hospital. This marked the terrorists' final attempt, with Tin falling victim due to their resentment towards all peacemakers and civilians.

Upon the arrival of the plane carrying Tin's body, the entire family gathered at the front, and an ambulance stood by to transport Tin to the hospital. As they witnessed the extent of Tin's injuries, his mother couldn't hold back tears.

As the ambulance prepared to depart, the family's hopeful anticipation for Tin's return shifted into heightened sorrow. Relatives, initially excited for Tin's lively homecoming, now stood in tears outside the vehicle. Amid the somber scene of lifting Tin into the ambulance, his mother wept openly, and Tin's father remained in stunned silence, grappling with the harsh reality of the situation.

For other relatives, the tragic event ignited a profound sense of regret and sorrow. In the midst of the chaos, Naret's heart ached not only from his physical wounds

Whenever no one was watching, Naret would often linger by the window, peering into Tin's room. Through the large window, he could see Tin lying motionless, surrounded by machines, his heartbeat faint. Tin's body was covered in wounds, and a large bandage adorned his head. Naret couldn't believe the sight before him-the person he longed to be with, the one who promised to return safely, now lay critical and unconscious. Overwhelmed with mixed emotions, Naret hastily left the room, unable to bear the pain of seeing Tin in such a state.

For several days, Naret secluded himself in his room, unable to engage in conversation. He often found himself in a daze, unable to comprehend the situation. This was the first time he had developed feelings for someone, and now, the person he cared for lay in critical condition. Naret's heartache was compounded by the fact that there was no one to stay by his side, reminiscent of his own painful past where his parents abandoned him despite his efforts to please them. Despite his desire to be alone, fate had other plans, taking away the person he wanted to be with.

As Naret sat in the kitchen, lost in his thoughts, the television blared with breaking news coverage of the recent terrorist attack. The footage displayed the bustling marketplace where Tin and his fellow peacemakers had been stationed, moments before the explosion rocked the area. Naret's heart clenched as he watched Tin, dressed in his black camouflage uniform, engaging in cheerful banter with his comrades.

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