A house, the dogs and...

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Freen noticed her daughter was feverish and worried about it.

__ Penguin, are you feeling sick? Does your throat hurt or something?

__ No, Mummy.__ The 5-year-old murmured with a weak voice.

The 31-year-old caresses the child’s hair and kissed her cheek gently.

__ So what is it? Are you sad? Did something happen?

Hesitantly, the cute girl confessed:

__ Becky didn’t call. I miss her.

Glancing at her precious kid, the artist smiled and shook her head.

__ You’re just like that blockhead!

Pouting, Lily murmured:

__ Are you upset at me, mummy?

Freen petted her daughter’s back and responded with the softest voice:

__ You’ll never disappoint me, baby! I just wish you had asked me to contact Becky. Are you afraid of making me jealous? Is this the issue?

Surprised, the 5-year-old gulped.

__ I... don’t wanna make mummy suffer and cry. You know Lily will always be yours, right?

Poking the little child’s belly, the brunette leaned to kiss her in the same area.

Becky’s younger version giggled and begged:

__ Stop it, mummy! Please, Lily is gonna pee.

The adult smiled and kissed her daughter again.

__ Babe, I won’t be upset. It’s absolutely normal that you love Becky.

The 5-year-old showed her concern:

__ Really? You’re not gonna think I’m giving you less love?

Freen stroked the girl’s arm and responded:

__ Love is infinite. It doesn’t end just because we give our heart to more than one person.

Exhaling, the little girl seemed to relax.

__ That’s good, mummy.

The 31-year-old laughed and said:

__ I want you to be happy. Just follow your heart, sweetie. By the way, you can call her mom if you want.

Widening her eyes, Lily bit her lip while thinking about what her mother had said.

__ Do you think Becky would like that?

Standing up, the dark-haired female replied:

__ Of course she will! It’s an amazing feeling, you know? Being called mom is magical. Now... Let’s call that cute cat!

The pretty child clapped her hands with excitement while her mother grabbed the phone.

Freen pressed the younger one’s contact number and smiled in anticipation.

Suddenly a stranger answered to the call, and she frowned.

__ Is this Becky’s phone?__ Her pitch went low.

__ Yes. Who wants to talk to her? __ The woman asked and laughed.

Sighing loudly, the artist tried to hide her anger because she didn’t want Lily to notice it.

__ Tell her to pick up this phone now. Otherwise Lily will be busy for quite a while.

__ Huh? Lily? Is that your name? __ The female sounded drunk.

Lily- A story of rebirthWhere stories live. Discover now