Old habits die hard

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Freen prepared a meal to please Lily, Maggie, and Becky.

The elder was impressed with the brunette's dedication.

Even though the artist had studied the movie script, walked Fluffy, taught her daughter a school lesson, and played with her, the young woman still managed to do the groceries and make a feast for them.

__ Darling, you must stop doing everything on your own. I came to help. And Becca has 2 functional hands too. __ The old lady scolded sweetly.

Puzzled, the granddaughter came from the restroom and asked:

__ What did I miss?

__ Freen made us this superb meal after doing everything else: taking care of the house, dog, kid, and you. What a wife from the last century. __ Maggie teased them.

The 27-year-old tried to suppress her laughter, but she failed miserably.

Pretending to be unfazed, the dark-haired female called her child and instructed her to wash her hands.

When Lily came back, Freen spoke in her softest tone:

__ Mummy made your favorite dish. Now sit beside Becky so that she can help you cut your meat.

Surprised, the brown-haired one glanced at her former friend and her eyes sparkled.

Maggie watched Freen observing Lily's interactions with Becky.

The elder couldn't stop beaming because she saw love in its purest form.

When they finished eating, the Grandmother declared:

__ Now it's time you do something useful, Becca. Clean up the table and do the dishes.

The actress nodded and stood up to follow the elder's instructions.

The 5-year-old also left the table and went to brush her teeth.

Freen couldn't relax and leave everything to the Thai-British female's responsibility.

The 31-year-old told Maggie to get some rest and discreetly followed her co-star.

Becky was standing in front of the sink counter, trying to figure out where to begin with.

The brunette smiled, grabbed an apron, and approached the young woman from behind.

__ Here, nong. This shall keep your clothes dry.

The gorgeous actress forgot to breathe because her co-star spoke near her ear and she could smell that attractive scent.

Becky let Freen put the apron on her and murmured "Thank you, P'Freen".

"Focus, Becky. Look ahead and wash the dishes." __ She told herself.

However, the Thai artist was still there and the younger one was getting anxious.

Laughing, the handsome woman asked:

__ G, Bec! When was the last time you washed some dishes? Relax! Use that glove, get rid of the excess dirt, and put the plates in the dishwasher.

Giggling, the younger one commented:

__ To be honest, I rarely use real dishes. Unless I'm visiting my parents. And I don't wash the dishes there.

__ Well, you don't have to do it if you feel uncomfortable. I'll do it.__ Freen was about to replace the pretty female.

Becky held her former friend by the shoulders and smiled cutely:

__ Nana Maggie was right. You've done too much. We are roommates now. Lemme take care of you and our little one, too.

"Our little one. Why is she so cute?" __ Freen sighed deeply and stepped back.

Lily- A story of rebirthOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz