Cecilia's feeling and Mark, Jonas and michael's meeting to fight.

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I know this man his name is Mark, do not be deceived by his appearance he is stronger than looks. Michael said to Jonas.

''So it was this bald guy who almost ripped off your arms?'' Jonas asked Michael.

''Yeah, he is strong. And both of us are tired because we just finished fighting with those werewolves and now someone like him appears in front of us. we need to find a way to escape.'' Jonas said.

''What?... Are you guys afraid of me?'' mask asked them.

''I can see that you guys killed some of my mates, I wonder what I do now that I saw it. mar said while looking at them with a serious face.

''We did, what would you do? kill two men who just finished fighting and are already very tired, I think a powerful werewolf like you wouldn't do it.'' Michael said while he smiled.

Jonas looked at Michael. He could see that Michael was trying to try to get out of that situation by reaching Mark's fighting ego.

Mark laughed. ''Do you think this will work with me?'' Mark asked Michael.

If I let you guys live after seeing something like this Mark will kill me. mark said to them.

''But he doesn't need to know, does he? Tomorrow we can meet here or somewhere else to resolve this, but with both of us rested so we can have a real fight.'' Michael said to Mark.

''Okay, Let's do it, tomorrow I will be here waiting for you, but both of you guys can come,'' Mark said to them while he turned his back to them and started to walk away.

''I hope you are here tomorrow otherwise I will go after your wife and your daughter,'' Mark said to them while he vanished into the darkness.

Michael took a deep breath of relief.

''Do you think we would lose to him if we had fought with him?'' Jonas asked Michael;.

Cecilia was looking straight at Steven.

''I think you're a good girl,'' Steven answered her.

''That's not what I mean. I want to know what you think about me as a woman.'' Cecilia said to Steven.

It's raining outside, it's very dark in here, don't you think it's better to turn the light on? Steven asked her.

Cecilia quickly got up from the bed turned the light on and sat again next to Steven.

''So? It's just a question,'' Cecilia said to him.

''It's not as easy as it looks,'' Steven said to her with a shy and embarrassed face.

She smiled and got up from her place to get out.

''Wait,'' Steven said while he held her arms, and she fell over him.

Body to body, face to face, eyes to eyes. At that moment Both could feel each other breathing. Their breath started to get deep and unbalanced.

''Oh! I can't sleep.'' Tania said while she turned face up and looked to the ceiling.

I think I will take some blood, my that will help me to sleep she said while she went downstairs.

When she arrived at the kitchen she saw David sitting in the kitchen drinking blood.

''I thought you were sleeping at your parent's house today.'' She said to him.

''Yeah, I would, but after an argument with my father, I decided to come back.

''is everybody sleeping? it's so quiet.'' David said to her.

''I think so, I think only me and you are still awake.'' She answered David.

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