No choice.

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Steven was coming back to his house, he went alone, but came accompanied.

Cecilia, Tania, and David were following him.

Why does she keep looking at me? Steven thought he could feel Tania staring at him the whole time at school and even after school, it didn't finish because she was staring at him at that moment.

Maybe she fell in love with me? A beautiful girl like her? Steven thought while he widened his eyes.

But I will live with Cecilia, could it become a threesome? He thought while looking at Cecilia. His heart started to palpitate again, he put his hand on his chest. He started to feel dizzy and his mouth got dry, Shit I will faint again, he thought while he leaned against a lamppost.

Cecilia, Tania, and David looked at him.

''What are you doing?'' Cecilia asked steven.

''I think I will faint, I have a heart problem, didn't my mom tell you about it?'' Steven said to her.

Tania laughed. ''What are you talking about? Cecilia already cured you. Didn't you tell him?'' Tania said to Cecilia.

''Oh! I forgot! I cured you,'' Cecilia said to Steven.

''What?'' Steven asked her.

''I cured you, I could hear your heart beating unbalanced. So I cured you when you fainted.'' Cecilia said to him.

But today I did not faint, wasn't today the first time we met? David asked her.

Ops! Let's go! I'm crazy to see your house for the first time. Cecilia said while she hugged his arms and dragged him.

''She is a good girl but sometimes she is really dumb,'' Tania said to David while they followed them.

When they arrived Steven opened the door and they entered.

We could see a man sitting on his luxurious marmorated desk on the highest floor of the luxurious building.

He was strong like a bodybuilder, well dressed, with black hair, white skin, and black eyes.

A beautiful woman was standing next to him. She was a really beautiful brunette. She had a sensual body, was very well-dressed, curly hair, and black eyes.

The doorbell rang.

She looked at the man. He waved his head as he signed to her attend the door. She walked and stopped in front of the door and opened it.

The dragon man was stopped in front of her. please come in. She said to him opening the way.

She guided him to a chair in front of the man, he sat and she kept standing on his side.

The man on the desk looked at him. ''What do you have to tell me? ..Jhonas''

Jhonas the dragon man.

He was one of the men who worked for him. The king of the human dragons. The man behind that desk was the boss and the strongest of the human dragons. They were included in politics, and economy, and more, like the werewolves and vampires.

''I saw that boy, a war was about to start, so I saw an opportunity to kill him to avoid future headaches, but some fucking vampires appeared from nowhere and got in my way, I will kill them.,'' Jhonas said furiously to him.

''Hum!!'' The man said looking at Jhonas while he leaned back on her desk.

''There was a girl with them and she was strong. Something strange happened when she transformed, her eyes got yellow and her hair white. that was the first time that I saw something like that. There was more of a girl and a boy there but we didn't fight.'' Jhonas said to him.

''Her eyes got yellow it's normal among vampires, but her hair got white, that's the first time I heard. That's interesting. But you could kill them if you wanted.'' The man said.

''Maybe.'' Jhonas answered.

''Maybe?'' The man said surprised with such an answer.

She was strong, and the girl and boy with her also seemed to be, they attacked me and I didn't even notice. Even if I wasn't in a fight mode. Jhonas said.

''I see.''' The man said looking at him.

''I heard that two-man werewolves appeared there after the battle. Maybe they knew about your fight and came to join. These werewolves are becoming a pain in my ass. vampires and werewolves. I will eradicate these shits from this world.'' The man said to Jonas.

''Now tell me more about this white-haired girl I think I know her.'' I'd met a man who could do this, and we had a long fight one hundred years ago. General Vladir. He was the right hand of the king of the vampires at that age. He was strong.'' The man said while his eyes got red.

Jonas got scared.

''So tell me everything about this boy and the girl.'' The man said to Jonas.

''Okay, sir,'' Jonas answered.

Meanwhile at Steven's house.

''Huuuu! Now I feel released. I was crazy to take a bath.'' Cecilia said.

''So it's my time now,'' Tania said while she headed to the bathroom.

Cecilia's phone rang. She looked to see who was, she answered the call.



''So that's what happening. I didn't know about it.'' Steven said. David was telling him everything about what was happening.

Mainly about his parents. The father his father would be the next king of the vampires but he rejected it.

A hope increased inside Steven when he heard that his father rejected to be the vampires's king. So He had an idea. He would do the same thing.

''Do you say my father rejected being the next king of the vampire right?'' Steven asked to David.

We didn't know about you until yesterday. because your parents hid you until now. David said to him.

''I understand. But if my father rejected it, I can reject it. (''I reject it.'') Steven yelled euphoric.

''What? You can't,'' David said to him.

''Why not? My father did.'' Steven said.

''You could do this if you had a son, but you haven't.'' someone needs to be the king. David said.

''If I die, it's my parent's fault,'' Steven said indignantly.

''Don't worry you won't die. You will become the strongest vampire one day.'' David said.

''You're funny, you can't see that I'm the weakest person in the world.'' He said in Euphoria.

David laughed. Your power will unleash sooner or later. David said.

''For real?'' Steven asked him surprised.

''Yeah, for real.'' David answered laughing.

''Did you guys finish? I'm hungry.'' Cecilia said while she and her friend Tania were coming downstairs.

Cecilia was wearing a short white dress and Tania a Long red dress, they were even more beautiful, they were with high heels which made them look even sexier.

But why are they dressed like that? Will they go out? Steven wondered.

''You will get ready Steven. Cecilia said to him.

''me? Why?'' Steven asked her surprised.

Someone wants to see you,'' Cecilia said.

''Who?'' Steven asked her.

''Surprise!'' She said mocking him.

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