steven meet lara. the elite vampire girl

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Steven, David, Cecilia, and were sitting on the sofa in Steven's room while having a conversation. Tania was standing at the door, she was still mad about what happened the previous day.

''Who is coming?''Steven asked David...

''I've seen her just a few times she is the daughter of the governor. She is coming to teach you how to fight, she is one of the strongest vampires. and I think she will live with us from now on.'' David said to Steven.

''What?'' Steven said surprised.

''Are you happy? More one girl, that's great you have another boobs to touch.'' Tania said while making a mad face.

''That wasn't his fault Tania, he stumbled and felt over you and unfortunately touched it, you know.'' She said trying to explain.

''What? Why is it, unfortunately? wasn't my boobs good enough to be touched? that's what did you say?'' Tania said to Cecilia.

David was looking at that situation while he was making the face of someone who was having fun.

''What?'' Cecilia asked her confused.

''I said he didn't mean to do it,'' Cecilia said to Tania.

You say that because it wasn't your boobs was mine. Tania said making a desdem's face.

''I wouldn't mind,'' Cecilia said.

''What the heck did she just say?'' Steven wondered while incredulous at what he heard.

Everyone looked at Cecilia her surprise.

Tania also looked at her stunned with such an answer.

''Hum! Bitch.'' Tania said while she left.

''I wouldn't mind! I wanted to see if he had for real touched her and if he would say something like that.'' Tania said murmuring while she led to her room, so she entered and then jumped on her bed while looking at the ceiling with a mad face.

''What the hell is happening with her?'' Cecilia said when she saw her getting away while mad.

David smirked.

''I think she may have fallen in love with Steven,'' David said laughing.

''What?'' Cecilia said surprised.

''What?'' Steven said surprised gasping and with wide eyes at what she said..

David laughed! I'm just kidding but you're the type of guy that she likes.'' And try to imagine that mixed with an actual king of vampires's future.

''So, May she like me?'' Steven asked.

''Who knows Maybe! But don't tell her what I said here, okay?'' David said while the blinked to Steven.

''For me is okay,'' David said mesmerized by what he said.

''Anyways, as I was saying. Someone is coming to help Steven with his fighting skills. her name is Lara!'' Steven interrupted him.

''I heard that old man saying about her, I think she is the daughter of the governor, am I right?'' Steven asked David.

David smirked and said: ''you're right. She is one of the strongest vampires nowadays.''

''I see.'' Steven answered him.

''I hadn't seen her since about teen years ago,'' Cecilia said.

The doorbell rang. Everyone looked towards the door.

''is it she?'' David said to them.


Two men were walking at the shopping they were stalking another man. Now everyone knew about them, so they didn't need to hide or make it a secret.

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