The Blurred prophecy and Tania's marriage.

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''Steven, Steven,'' Someone shouted out while knocking on the door.

It was Cecilia. he won't wake up, Cecilia thought.

''Steven,'' she shouted out at him a last time. But Steven didn't wake, he was in a deep sleep, and to his face the dreams were tremendously good. We will be late to school like this. Cecilia murmured.

''Cecilia let's go we will be late,'' Tania screamed from downstairs.

''Is Steven already ready?'' Tania asked her.

''No! he won't wake up,'' she screamed back.

''What do I do now? I think we will need to go without him,'' Cecilia thought while she tried to turn the doorknob.

It opened, Oh, he left her door room unlocked, She thought while looking at it. she opened it slowly and looked at Steven. She could see him sleeping while smiling.

She went closer to him to wake him up, so Steven said something while sleeping, Cecilia widened her eyes when she heard that and she started to blush.

A man about 47 years old is sitting on a desert beach with several beautiful girls around. We could see a small island in front of him.

He was slender, about 1.80 high, white-skinned. he was wearing a short and he was without a blouse while he was drinking wine.

Suddenly one of the girls called him, It's a call for you Sir. he accepted it.

''Hello,'' he said with a deep voice.

''its stock exchanges increased by 400% sir,'' The man said to him.

Good news, he said laughing.

''let's celebrate,'' he said while getting out of his chair,

''Look girls, Today is my lucky day. So this needs a presentation,'' The man said.

The sand around him just dissipated with the strong wind, and a tornado formed around him,

''Oh! It has been a long time since I didn't saw you in your true form.'' one of the girls said excitedly. All of the girl was paying attention to him.

He started to brighten and grow up, something was taking form. He transformed into a huge golden dragon, he roared loudly while looking up, and began to flap its long wings, An energy ball appeared in his mouth and he threw it up, like thunder. The girl started to jump while laughing, smiling, and clapping her hands at his glorious presence.

'The golden transformed back into a human and said: ''Did you like girls?''

He said while he spread his arms, all the girls Screamed: ''Yeah!!!''' while they ran towards him hugging him.

Meanwhile, Steven was running towards the school they were late to school, they needed and they needed to go to the old man's house.

''We're late because of Steven, When he sleeps is the same thing as he he died, The world could end but he won't wake up,'' Tania said while running.

''Sorry, it's because I slept late yesterday,'' he said to her with a sad face.

Cecilia was staring at him for what she heard earlier, She couldn't get it out of her head.

She started to remember what happened while staring at him.

How can he have a deep sleep like this, Cecilia wondered while looking at him.

'' I'm going to shake him awake,'' she said as she took his hand to wake him up but before she actually touched him she had an idea.

She remembered what he said sleeping about Lara and she wanted to know what Steven thought about her.

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