Cecilia's feelings.

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After Tania's father lectured his son and his father for allowing something like that to happen, they left, but first they had to pay for the damage caused.

But Steven now had a heavy weight on his back, She now was his official fiancee.

A few weeks have passed since then.

Steven and Lara were in the middle of training, but before Tania didn't need to transform to fight Steven but now she need to do it.

''He became so strong,'' David said while watching them fight.

Tania didn't change his behavior towards Steven even after what happened.

''I will never accept to be your wife,'' She said to Steven when they arrived from her father's home. But inside she thanked him for what he did, and she really started to have some feelings for him.

Cecilia was still a little bit jealous about what happened but she was still trying her best to keep it secret from everyone.

Steven jumped while trying to kick Lara she dodged it she tried to punch Steven in his chest he grabbed her hand launching her up, Lara closed her hand to punch Steven while she was falling upside down, and Steven did the same.

Fist to fist. And an explosion. this caused a small crater to appear around Steven.

Steven was breathing hard from fatigue, after gaining these powers she intensified his training even further.

''Let's have a break, Tomorrow we will train a little bit more,'' Lara said to Steven.

''You're getting stronger, If you continue like this I will really consider you becoming my fiance. Your dreams of a harem are finally becoming true, but can you handle all of us, I'm a little bit problematic, and meanly can you handle me,'' She whispered something in Steven's ear.

Steven blushed while looking at her ashamed.

After this, they went home.

Steven was lying on his bed while thinking about what happened in Tania's house. I wonder if I had this power I could defeat that dragon man that attacked that time.

Steven started to think about it: But is that the power of a vampire's king?

How do I really get this power?

I remember that when I kissed Tania I felt something strange.

Could that be a feeling for a boy kissing for the first time or could that be, Steven widened his eyes.

They had talked about it, but Steven didn't say to them what he felt when he kissed her. But Now Steven has an idea of what happened.

Tania's power was also transferred to him.

Tania's main skill was Agility And ninja skills. She was fast, in a fight she could easily dodge an enemy attack.

When Steven recognized it, he quickly got up from his bed and ran towards the door to tell the other about it, he opened the door.

He looked down, Cecilia was in front of him.

''What is she doing here at this hour?'' Steven wondered himself.

''I need to talk with you,'' she said to Steven.

It was almost 11:00 Pm.

Steven swallowed hard, The moonlight reached Cecilia through Steven's windows revealing her, The same beauty as that day, her hair and her eyes seemed to shine.

Cecilia was wearing a White pajama that became transparent because of the moonlight, revealing her sexy body's shape to Steven.

David wasn't there he had gone to his family's house, so he said that he would sleep there for that day.

His eyes widened at the same time as he gaped with such beauty and sexiness.

''Can I get in,'' She said to Steven.


''We walked for hours and we didn't find a werewolf or a vampire to fight, I'm already tired of it, I think I will go home,'' Michael said.

''They're cowards, I think all of them are hidden,'' Jonas said to Michael.

''There was a boy that I wanted to see, I would roast him and that fucking red-haired girl hadn't appeared, and also that blonde boy and that curly-haired girl.'' But the king doesn't want to see him killed before he totally awakens his power. Otherwise, I have killed them all.'' Jonas said to him.

''I got you!'' Michael screamed excited.

''Are those kids who defected you, aren't they?'' Michael said to Jonas.

''Defeated me? Are you crazy? You almost got killed by a weak werewolf, what do you want to talk about me?'' Jonas said to him.

''What? Do you want to fight?'' Michael said furious.

''Come on, I going to kick your ass,'' Jonas answered him.


Something was coming from the dark, Michael and Jonas were in a place similar to a square.

They could see three streets in front of them, one on their right, one on their left, and the last one was in front of them.

On each street, they could see someone's shadow coming towards them.

''Things will be interesting,'' Jonas said to Michael.

''I think so,'' Michael answered while smiling with an excited face staring at them coming.

A tall black man appeared from the darkness in front of them, accompanied by two men.

So the man said to Michael and Jonas:

''Were you guys looking for us? Don't need to look anymore. We're here,'' The man shouted to them while he transformed into a huge werewolf.

''Yeah!'' Come on, let's kill each other Jonas screamed while he transformed at the Fighting mode. Middle Human middle dragon.

Michael did the same as the other two werewolves also transformed.

Fist to fist, and a shock caused by it. The excitement on their face.

''You're strong,'' Jonas said to the black man werewolf.

''The same I can say to you. But, it's not enough to defeat me,'' Jonas screamed as he punched the werewolf with his left hand. Jonas said about him.

''Let's start this damn fight,'' Michael screamed as he ran towards the two werewolves.

The full and brightened moon was covered by clouds which indicated that a storm was on its way.

While that violent fight was going on just below.

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