The screen didn't have a website address, not even a place to click exit or to make the screen smaller. It was just a black void that took up the whole screen.

"The fuck is this?" I mumbled under my breath, clicking a number. "Wait" Alessia held up her hand to stop me. "Don't. I've already tried it twice, I don't know how many we can get wrong. So this next try we've got to be certain".

"What did you try?" "Him and his fratello's birthday. I was thinking maybe the chip was passed down from Cosimo to Antonio, but no luck".

I thought about it for a minute. "Did you try the day Cosimo died?" She shook her head. "Alittle sentimental for somebody like him. Don't you think?"

I shook my head typing in the day. "You're thinking about it wrong, that's the day he took the 'throne'. I bet he didn't give two shits about his fratello". I hit enter and the screen went away, my head jerked back in surprise.

"Oh shit". I mumbled, certain that was our third strike and now we're out. Alessia hopped up and came to look over my shoulder. "I could've swo-". I tried to explain my possible misstep, but clamped my mouth shut when a loading bar popped up.

I looked back at Alessia, and she shrugged just as confused and curious as me. A site popped up, no doubt on the dark web. It looked like it was created just for Antonio.

The site was nothing but dated pages that had two charts in them. The first column had a 10 digit number, while the second column had a 7 digit serial number.

"Is that a...?" "Yup" A slow smile stretched my face. A typical person wouldn't know how to decipher this, it would look like a bunch of numbers and shit to them.

But I knew it was a drug tracking system, because I have one of my own of course. The way the system works is the dates are the days his drugs come in.

The 10 digit number is the amount of drugs, and the 7 digit serial number is a made up number that identifies which drug it is.

"Wait hold on". Alessia exclaimed grabbing the zip lock bag. She took the notebook out with her gloved hand, sat it down infront of me, and flipped to a random page.

My eyes widen, it was the same system just on paper. Immediately I was impressed not everybody thinks it's necessary to track your drugs two ways, but I've learned that technology isn't as reliable as simple pen and paper.

"Impressed" I mumbled nodding. "He's definitely gonna fucking panic when he sees his systems are gone". "He might even suspect me". Alessia shrugged sitting back down.

"Let him he has no evidence, and speaking of evidence. Last night I was actually thinking of a way we can incarcerate Antonio simply based off of the notebook".

"I mean that's an easy one. We just have to prove to the cops that the notebook is his, and then connect the drugs directly to him by matching the serial numbers on the drug bags to the ones in the notebook.

That should definitely do the trick, but that's only a drug charge might as well be a slap on the wrist".

"Will you shut up?" My mouth drop as I feigned offense. "I know that and I'm not suggesting that. You remember Al and his London club?" "Of course I remember. The fucking bastards body was found three weeks ag- wait" I said.

A slow smile stretching my face. Alessia's eyes lit up. "I see gears turning". "Antonio sold Al the laced drugs that killed those two people, then the bodies were picked up by the cops and used as evidence to raid Al's club. Meaning the drug bags could possibly be in police possession-".

"And If the serial numbers match, and they take the prints off of this fucking notebook to find who owns it. Antonio's got a fat fucking case coming his way". Alessia finished, then flipped her straight hair over her shoulders.

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