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There's a knock at my door. I didn't even say come in, but someone did anyway, it's Viviana. She has a plate and a cup. " You didn't eat". She says at my door, I don't respond, as just the sight of her makes my blood boil.

She walks to me, and sits the food and water down on the nightstand. I look over at it, my stomach turns and twist at the idea of even moving my fucking limbs.

So I just look away. I was really hoping she would get that I don't wanna be bothered, and leave. But, I can still smell her perfume, and feel her body heat next to me.

"Seona," She says softly, in that Italian way that I hate. I hate everything about her now.  "Look at me". After I don't she reaches out, and touches my chin, but I move my head out of her hand. I hear her sigh softly.

Before sitting down next to me on the bed. " Let me go home. Viviana please, if you like me like you say you do, let me go". I say defeated, and tired of pleading. "I-" she starts then stops.

I look at her, surprised by her hesitation. To find her eyes casted downward, and her tongue poking her cheek,

"365 days Seona. I give you to fall for me, for us to fall for each other, and if you don't you can go". The little breath of hope I was holding exhaled in a scoff. A whole fucking year?!?

"What am I supposed to say thanks". I tilted my head, my voice bitter and cruel. "What is your plan anyways? How are you gonna make me see you as anything more than my kidnapper. Huh?"

"I don't have a plan- none of this was planned okay. This is not like me I don't-". She stops sighing, then she stands up. "Nothing can justify what I've done. But, it is done so a year, a year and I will let you go if you want".

I look away from her tears of defeat in my eyes, and frustration woven into my facial features. My eyebrows furrowed and my jaw ticked. I've never felt so hopeless in my entire life, it makes me want to scream at the top of my lungs.

"Seona I-". "Get out". I say my voice cracking from the tears. I hear her grab the plate and drink, and make her way to the door. She stops infront of it.

"Tonight I'm flying out to london, and your coming with me". "What?" I exclaim, my head whipping over to look at her.

"For 2 nights, I have business there". I shrug looking away. " I don't even care anymore," I mumble defeatedly. "I mean it's not like I really can refuse. Can I?" "Not for this trip no. I need you to come".

I gave her humorless little chuckle. "I want you to know that when this year is up. I will skip out of this place with the biggest smile on my face. Viviana, I will never love you". She stopped at my door. "I really do hope you change your mind". She says her voice low, then she leaves.

Emotion just falls over me ten-foil, and I lay down grabbing the satin pillow, and I start to sob into it. Curling my body around it.

Night time
The guard escorting me was gripping my arm hard, and walking fast. Basically dragging me through the landing area of the airport to the private jet.

I jerked my arm trying to pull away for the hundredth time. "I can literally walk by myself". I exclaimed very frustrated, like what the fuck was his problem?

He didn't say anything, he just kept on walking me till we were next to Viviana, and another one of her guards.

Then, he finally let go. "For fuck sake" I mumble to myself, pulling my arm into my hand to rub the sore spot. Viviana turned around her phone to her ear.

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