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"See two beds just like you asked". I told Seona looking at her, she just walked away from me, giving me that cold attitude.

She put her luggage on her bed and started to go through it. I sit down at the end of my bed and turn towards her. "Do you like what I got you?" I ask, referring to the clothes I got her, after I sent Alessia to ask for her size.

I would've done it my self, but decided to give her a moment after our discussion this morning. I figured I was the absolute last person she wanted to see.

She grabs one of the dresses in there and looks at the tag. "How much did you spend on all of this?" I chuckle, " a good amount, and we're gonna spend more when we get back to Italy".

"You throwing money at me isn't gonna make me fall for you". "Good cause then you'd be a gold digger if it did. No?"

"Do you not like them?" " Who does" " then that's exactly what I am". I laughed, and was delighted when I saw the corners of her lips curl just a bit, before she looked back down.

"You're very funny". After I said that the room went silent, and I bit my lip thinking of how to keep the convo going. I like talking to her.

"So you ever been to london?" I break the silence. She just shakes her head no, her long middle ponytail swaying with her head. My eyes drift over her face, that was illuminated by the lamp next to her.

God she is gorgeous. My eyes go to her lips, and I smile at how she chews on the inside of her cheek while she rounds her clothes up. I think it's so cute.

Then she goes to the bathroom and closes the door. I finally get up and go through my luggage, to get my stuff ready.

30 mins later
I knocked on the bathroom door. "Seona, Carina your taking to long". I say exasperated. " I'll be out in a second".

"You said that exact thing more than a second ago, do you have clothes on?" "Yes bu-" I opened the door cutting her off. She rolled her eyes.

"But what?" I ask encouraging her to continue. Ignoring her cute eye roll. "But I don't want to be in here when you are".

The end of my lips curled up into an amused smile. "And why not?" I asked, settling in next to her at the other sink, sitting my over night bag down.

She looks over at me for the first time since I've walked in here, and her eyes go down my body. I can't determine the look in her eye. She has a pretty good r.b.f, but just the fact that her eyes are on me makes butterflies invade my stomach.

I let my eyes wander down what she's wearing. A baby t-shirt and pajama pants. The bottom of her waist playing an unwanted game of peek-a-boo with me every time she moves a certain way.

Fuck peek-a-boo.

"What?" I asked, looking at my shorts and fresh tank top. "You have a lot of tattoos". She says, continuing what she was doing, I basically snort looking through my bag. "Thanks? I think. You like tattoos?" I finish on a question, getting my spray bottle.

"Yes I have one". I look at her in brief surprise, that I quickly mask. I don't know why I never expected her to have any, but now that I know she does, I want her more. "Where?" "Down my spine it's a red dragon".

I nodded, trying to act like that information wasn't short circuiting my gay little brain. "Is there a reason why you got it?" I trailed off, spraying my hair with the water.

"No, I mean there is a meaning behind it, but I just got it because I thought it would look good". She said dropping her last thing into her bag, before turning to me curiosity swirling in her pretty eyes.

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