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Mara's Pov.

"Baby,are you ok? you've been going to work every day and working your ass off like you were not the one they told about Devi. The girl you supported," my mum said. "Mum, please back off. Devi did that, so be it. Let's just move on okay, at least I'll not kill her for taking something that does not belong to her," I snapped. Mom flinched back. "Oh!, okay.  I'm sorry for trying to cheer my daughter up," She said. "Your service is not needed," I added. She scoffed and went out. This is how I have been with my mum since Khloé and Goldy told me about Devi. I pretend. I had been pretending for days, crying and yearning for only one person's touch, and that was Delvis. Delvis has been missing for four weeks now, and the police were not helping. Today was the day I was to meet the detective to inform me of their progress, and I already didn't want to go meet the man. I mean, which pathetic thing haven't they said yet? I got out of bed anyway and went out without informing Mum. I sat in the car to drive when she called out, "Mara!, Mara!, my God,  Mara..." I drove out of the house quickly...

I walked into the café, the detective was already seated at the designated seat, and he said we should meet. Seat '21', I walked towards it and immediately caught a familiar scent. It smelled like..."Caleb?" I voiced out. The person turned, and it turned out to be an older version of Caleb. "You know my son?" The man asked. " Detective Fosu, I presume, "I said, ignoring his question. "That's me. I'm here to talk to you about the case. Well, we decided to use a different approach and found out a lot of information that only you should be here to listen to. Miss Mara, we checked the whole population and found out there's nobody in the name of Delvis Boateng in the records of this town and since you didn't have a picture of him in all your times with him, it made it difficult but we did find other Boatengs that we think you should check,..." I almost choked. What was the worst thing to me? What type of joke was this? What does this old man mean? "Screw this, I'm out!" I snapped and got up to leave. That's when I remembered I had one picture of him. It was a little blaire but his face could be seen. I remembered the day Raquel died. At the gathering, we were laughing at people's acts, and his smile was so nice. I took a picture, and he heard it but was too late. It got a little Blaire from me laughing.  I scrolled through my phone till I found it. I turned back and walked towards him with dread. "Detective,  is he part of the Boatengs?" I asked with tears in my eyes. The detective got a little startled but pulled back. He took the phone and watched. "Yes, there's a match! Can you give me a second?" He asked. I nodded. He took his phone and scrolled through. "Miss Mara, this is a full picture of Mr Klintin Boateng. Son of the Boateng family," He showed his phone to my clenched-shut eyes. I was too scared to look. What if it was him, I can't be!
I opened my eyes to see him, smiling in the picture with a rich-looking suit on. He looked like he had everything and didn't want anything. He was different. A tear slipped then another, then another till I couldn't take it anymore. I broke down. "From deduction, he's the brother of Jane Boateng, your secretary," the detective said like it was nothing. I sat on the floor without care. Who was he, and was he always after my money? I went bankrupt. Claire and I had to start over. What wrong did I do him? I cried more like the baby I was. I couldn't keep it in anymore. "Fuck this!!" I screeched. "Oh my God, he's a cheat, a liar and a thief!" I shouted. "Miss Mara..." He was cut short by a voice. I looked up to see him. I had a fair idea he was here. His father gave it all. They were like twins except he was younger. "I have got it from here Dad," He said, looking at me. His father sighed and left. I cooled down and cleared my tears. I felt his stare burning my forehead. "What are you looking at!" I snapped. "Wow," He said while chuckling. "Yes he broke my heart and turns out his name is not even Delvis! He was a liar and a cheat and a thief! I let him fuck me too!" I shouted. I broke down again. "I'm here Mara. Like I always was," He said and sat down next to me. He held my arms. "Let go of me Caleb,  leave me alone, I don't want anyone! Go Caleb go!" I shouted while hitting him. He didn't budge. "Then I'll leave!" I snapped. He pulled me back into him when I was getting up. My leg twisted and I shouted. I guess he didn't notice because all he did was rub my back. I understood because my leg didn't hurt. My heart was shattered and my body felt numb. I cried some more.
This was the chest that always came along. I was smelling him again. Caleb. I looked up to see him looking down at me. "Why are you always here?" I asked. "I..." I cut him short by kissing him. I kissed him with all my bottled-up emotions and he did the same. My hands roamed his body until they lay on his groin. I made my hands linger and he groaned. I squeezed it slightly and he got up and pulled me along. I followed quickly when he busted open a washroom door. He pushed me back into the mirror and carried me onto the sinks. I opened up my legs as he pulled down my underwear. I kissed him again as he held my boobs and squeezed lightly. I moaned and he went to remove his boxers. He slipped into me and with every thrust, we groaned and moaned. The washroom resounded with our slapping bodies...
"Caleb!" I moaned loudly, climaxing. My body fell into his as he also reached his. I broke down again.

I cried harder...

Klintin Boateng...
Thanks y'all for reading
5 more chapters to go..😊
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