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Mara's Pov.

I pushed back into the chair tensed. I had a headache and Jane was nowhere to be found. All I remembered was that she had a look of guilt and fear, now that I look back. All the signs were there. I just kept ignoring it. But why would she do this? I placed my head down on my desk. Just then, someone budged in with so much force, slamming the door in the process. "Mara, Are you good?" It was Devi. Her voice was loud and clear. I watched her with anger and shock. Who did she think she was? To go and come at any time she wanted. "What do you want now?" I asked groggily. I was tired and devastated and she was here, obviously for money. "Wow, chill girl, I'm just here to support you and be with you. Isn't that what friends are for?" She asked smiling. " You are such a jerk! I hate you and your fake ass, you lair! Get out of my office, now!" I screeched. She flinched a little before backing off. With a smirk on her lips, she turned away and left. I sunk back into my seat and massaged my head, it was throbbing. The workers were still having the strike outside. It made it hard to even think. I had called Delvis several times but he didn't pick up any of my calls. I was worried and devastated. I didn't know what to do...

And so, I went back for her. I went to the hospital and took her out like nothing was wrong. I paid off all the people I was supposed to. And threatened those I had to and left with my mother. I couldn't shake the feeling of her smiling face looking down at me. She looked happy and some other emotion I didn't want to believe. I told her about the company and all she did was nod and say," I'll handle it," I don't know why, but I was relieved.
And I was right when I felt relieved then because the so-called mentally disoriented woman had drawn plans to pay off the workers and keep the company growing.  She told me I still had a lot to learn. And she would teach me if I allowed her. I nodded then and left...

"We are still trying Miss Mara, we haven't seen a trace of her. And she has not attempted to leave the country. Ghana is a big place and we are trying, " the detective said. "You guys are just incompetent. You give me the same report every week! What more do you want? Wait, and my boyfriend, Delvis. Any sign of him too?" I asked devastated. "We are sorry Miss, we are trying our best," the phone went silent on the other end. I sat down brokenhearted and tired. Mom, yes, mom. I had to start calling her that to get used to it and because that was her only condition if she'd help me. I had to call her mom until it was fixed. Within two months, she sorted it out. I was relieved and happy then. I decided not to stop. She looked healthier and better.  She was on her meds at home. I called Stella again, to come keep her company. Stella knew everything, she knew from the very beginning. She just wasn't in the right position to tell me, was her excuse. Ha!, unbelievable. Delvis's disappearance was taking a toll on me. I missed his touch and love. And I couldn't shake the pinch of doubt I had that he was involved with Jane since they both got missing. Maybe he was cheating with her and got her to steal all that money so that they would escape. My stupid heart didn't want to believe, so I held on.

"Moving the original setting to the west swing will benefit our designs and develop..."I was cut short by the sudden surge in by two people I didn't expect to see.
"Mara, we need to talk!" They both said at the same time. Does anyone see how weird that is? "I don't think you do!, get out," I demanded. Goldy started crying while Kholé held her hands. "We tried to kill you. I tried, but we couldn't. So she said she'd do it by herself anyway. She's here to kill you and nothing else. Please believe us," Kholé said. Everyone around the table gasped.

What was happening?

Back again bbys
Sorry for such a late update. Got a little tangled up.
Stay safe ✌️❤️🤗

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