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Mara's Pov.

"I watched as they sold my shares in the company. I was annoyed and devastated. Why wouldn't they let me have you even after all these unfair things they kept doing to me? I..." I cut her short..."I want to know what your only choice is now!" I snapped, getting more anxious and furious. I looked at her with rage. She cowered under my stare before sighing. " I called them. Luis and Daniel are two very well-known people from university. They were known to be killers. I didn't have money, so I used the house your grandpa gave to pay. It costs a lot. They accepted immediately and went to work. On that road, as they drove to see how one of their lands were on fire, they ran them off the road, " I gasped. She killed them. I backed off us. I processed the information I just heard. "You killed your own sister?," I gushed out, feeling suffocated. She looked at me with tears in her eyes and nodded. " I would kill again for you," She boldly said. I scoffed, " You are a psycho. Mad, crazy, whatever that means, you must not come near me!, " I shouted. " You cannot be my mum, ever!" I shouted more. I almost turned to leave when she stopped the sobbing she had been to since I cut her off. " Baby, I did it for you. At the end of the day, I lost my house but still had you. I knew you were intelligent, so if they left everything with you , you'd be able to handle it. I got to touch you, Mara. I got to change you from that spoilt rich brat they raised you to be to the normal Ghanaian rich girl. He has some attitude but is respectful. Baby, I did all for you," She said in a low tone. " No, no, you did it all for your stupid , selfish self. You don't care about me . You care about yourself and only you. Fine, you were alone. But must you kill them to get to me?. Couldn't you burn down your house or something to get their pity to get to me?" I shouted. She looked at me for a while before breaking out, letting out a loud laugh. She nodded repeatedly, pointing a finger at me. " You are truly my daughter. Your idea would have been so much better. But guess what? I already killed them,and you can't do anything about it!" She screeched. I backed off, watching her with shock. " I hate you. I hate you! Do you know how many nights I couldn't sleep, how many nightmares I had of those two , how depressing it was? I became so pathetic that I depended on friends to get well. And you are here,  laughing and telling me stupid things!" I shouted, getting more furious at her. " There ,there, baby. Mommy's here. Don't cry, I'm right here, " She said, coming close to me. "Don't touch me!," I snapped. Her expression changed quickly,  next thing I know, she takes a book and throws it at me. "Foolish girl! So pathetic,  foolish. You think that guy likes you?, that Delvis loves you? Haha, he's after your money and nothing else, dear. He'd leave you like your dad did me. I promise you. Foolish girl. You are my daughter! I killed two people for you. Foolish!," She lashed out. She jumped at me , coming to hit me when I heard Delvis's voice.  "Stay away from her or else you end up in the asylum. Away from your precious daughter, " He snapped, looking at her sternly. " No, no, no, I want my daughter. I'll behave. I promise. Please let me stay, " She knelt and begged Delvis. "Good, now go to your room, now!," He commanded. I watched how , Claire,  whom I just found out is my real mother and killed her sister, and father ,who took care of me all these years, go up the stairs looking drenched and unstable. I turned to Delvis. "You were there the whole time?" I asked in a whisper. He nodded. " All of you are such selfish people,  and they said  I am," I said, shaking my head in shock,  hatred ,devastation, and emptiness. I just lost Claire. The same Claire that taught me there's more to life than shopping and friends.

She even turned out to be a murderer.
I walked out of the house.....

Can we blame Claire?
She just wanted her daughter?
Is Claire mentally stable?
Yhew!, so many questions.
Follow for more 😘🙏⭐️
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