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It was official, Devi and Delvis were a couple. Always foundling with each other. I don't want to admit but they looked cute and I don't know but i keep getting jealous. I decided to take my mind off and focus on the new jerk who kept bugging my mind.
I decided to ask him on a date though,but he turned me down. I mean he's cute and all but how dare he turn me down. Caleb, that was his name. Apparently, on that day, I had to do what he wanted because he fixed the virus problem with his family. They delt with technology and they were able to crack it.
I was compelled to move my car and bring his back to place. He smirked and said " Thanks baby girl, but that's not the last of me you'll see" He said. I scoffed and left.
But later Aunt Claire told me they needed his family to sign a contract to secure the school and the companies, hence I was to get closer to him and try to change his mind. I asked him on a date and he turned me down!. I gave up on him but Claire told me if I didn't get them there'd be more cases of bridges. This was going to embarrassing...
"Caleb, just one date!" I said smiling sweetly. "No!" He said coolly. He was getting on my nerves. " Please just one date?" I begged. He suddenly smirked. Has he accepted?
"What part of no don't you get Mara?!,you're asking me for a date and I said no. So quit bothering, I mean you've been at it since morning!" He shouted. The whole canteen got silent. I watched around to see people watching me with disgust and cocky looks. I turned to watch Caleb and shook my head in disapproval. Tears came to my eyes but I blinked them off. Something flashed on his face but he masked it quickly. I turned to leave when Devi came rushing in..." Mara!, it's Stella, Aunt Claire said I should tell..." she kept panting. I panicked, "What's happening? What's wrong with Stella?" I asked ." She got a heart attack. She'd been rushed to the hospital" she stated in one breath. My world came crashing down.
Not Stella too, Stella's my hope at life. My Stella. Memories flash before my eyes as I walk to the gates of the school. Then suddenly an image of her eyes being lifeless flashed before my eyes. I dropped to my knees. The pain was unbearable, I couldn't hold as the tears slipped. Devi was no where to be found. I was all alone again. "Ahhh!!" I screamed, scratching at my chest. Maybe the pain will stop, I told my self. I let the tears out breaking down finally. " Stella, Stella, Stella" I kept chanting. I felt warm hands around me." Mara,come with me baby girl ".
Baby girl?,"Stay away from me!" I shouted. Struggling to get out of his hold. "Baby girl I understand you and..." "Did you just say you understand me?!,No you don't. You don't! Your parents didn't die, heck I'm trying desperately to get you to make them sign a contract and making a fool out of myself, your companies are not collapsing nor is your mother in a different skin on a hospital bed battling with death! So you don't understand. You don't!" I cried harder. I'm trying to stop the tears but her lifeless body image keeps jerking me.
"Come with me!" Caleb said dragging me. "No!,no, I said leave me!" I screeched as we left the hallway. " These dbees and their ways. Let's go " A student said. I then allowed Caleb to pull me away. He hopped into his car and watched me. I sighed and got in. The ride was silent. I appreciated it though. The car suddenly stopped, I looked up from my fingers for the first time since we left the school. We were in front of a church. My old church I used to attend when I was younger. I watched Caleb, didn't think he'd be a believer. He got down and I followed suit. We walked into the quiet church. "I come here when things get too messed up. The silence and the fact that I get to talk to someone you'd understand me and not criticise me and all things get better because of my faith and trust I have in Him." Caleb had eye contact with me for the first time. He smiled at me before going towards the pulpit. I took a seat and watched silently as he knelt down and went silent.

I took the opportunity and prayed. I know I still have faith in God and so I prayed ,I prayed hard and ended up crying. Caleb came to sit next to me. "Why did God take my parents and now He wants my only hope, Stella." I turned to him asking. " There's a reason for everything Mara, God knows the reason why he watched for them to die. But all I know is Stella is not yet dead,there's hope. Everything will be alright. I promise " He said with a small smile. " I don't want to be alone. The pain is too much Caleb,it hurts, it hurts a lot. I can't, I need Stella " I break down finally as I cried my heart out with Caleb coming closer. He hugged me to him as I cried...
"I want to go to the hospital " I said as I  cleaned my tears struck face and got up." You sure?" Caleb asked. I nodded and walked out with Caleb behind.
We reached the hospital, I walked quietly with Caleb to the emergency ward. Claire saw me and opened up her arms. I don't know but I rushed into her arms and hugged her. She squeezed and said sweet words telling me to stay strong. I just kept quiet until she released me. I went towards the small window to her room. Stella is my everything, Mom was never there,dad too. I had only Stella. Maybe loving her was just a losing game. I sat with Caleb and Claire in the hospital. I tried to tell Caleb to go but he wouldn't. It was very sweet of him. He was occasionally bringing me tea and coconut juice because that's all my body could allow in. I was vomiting any other foods. Claire said I was getting ill...
I coughed. Coughing, that's all I was doing along side the bad headache and stupid cold. I was vomiting any thing that was solids and probably puking 50 percent of liquids. Devi came once in a while telling me she was at Delvis's. Caleb was always texting me which helped to pass time. He was actually funny, smart,like very smart and caring. I just went along with it because it was a nice feeling but I always narrowed all to Delvis. What was he doing by now?, with Devi? I hated the feeling of jealousy within me. But he'd not be mine. I smiled when I saw a text from...

You better get your lazy ass up and go bath

~Caleb 😘😏

I looked up when I heard a knock on my door. " Come in" I shouted. I went to reply his message when I heard..." Care to tell me what's making you smile so much? I thought only I can make you smile that much." He smirked. " What you doing here?" I asked turning from him. He got cute!!, he had a new haircut. I fiddled with my phone feeling these mixed emotions along side my bad headache. " I heard you were ill. So I came to check up on you." He said coming closer. "Well I don't need your sympathy and care" I said. I felt the bed dip in. I turned to see him on the bed impossibly close to me. " What the..." I was cut short by his finger on my lips. " You sure you don't want me here?" He asked coming closer. "Delvis?"I asked. " I'll always be here for you Mara, I promise ". And that's when I feel his lips on mine. Delvis was kissing me all I could do was freeze after some time I relaxed and kissed him back. His lips were soft just as I imagined. He pulled me closer and kissed faster. I raised my hand to cup his face when the door to my room opened. I broke the kiss and coughed.

My God...


Wow, all in this I see.

Was Mara wrong for kissing him back, I mean we all know she likes him.

Would Stella pull through.

What about Caleb?

Pls 🙏continue reading, voting, following

and sharing. Love y'all ❤️😘😍

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