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Chapter includes mentions of violence, use of weapons, and unlawful activities. It also includes a few revisiting a few traumatic episodes. The verbal exchange between protagonists and antagonists could be triggering. Reader's discretion is advised.


Jungkook had rushed out of the Jung pack only stopping to  hand over a note to the leader's guard. He had no time for arguments and discussions. He ran out of the pack compound, and as soon as he reached the highway, he hopped into the first vehicle he thought could get him to his pack the fastest. Let's not focus on the way he got in. He chose the least problematic way of doing so. A kind couple let him drive their car (at gunpoint…). As soon as he reached the pack house, he knew things were about to go  down. It was almost close to dawn, but the activity around the pack house was as if it was the middle of the day. He caught Yoongi near a caravan that looked ready to be dispatched. He ran towards them and asked,

"What's happening?"

"Boss, you are here! We were told that the attack was coming towards the packhouse, so Namjoon moved the pups and the expecting omegas to Mi Casa, but it seemed like it was a ploy. They were just watching us. Despite all the precautions taken, they followed the cars to Mi Casa and have now surrounded it. We are heading towards it with additional arms and ammunition."

"That cunning rascal! Let's go and finish him for once and for all."


The scene at Mi Casa was not what Jungkook had ever imagined. The whole perimeter was surrounded by hundreds of Kang wolves. It was not possible for them to enter without a fight. The Jeon Clan didn't know how many more Kangs there were. He couldn't risk the safety of the pups and other vulnerable wolves. That being the case he kept their wolves on stand-by at Yoongi's command, and he managed to climb a tree at the backside that helped him jump on the roof and then he sneaked in by busting in the terrace door.

As soon as he reached the family hall, the sound of pups' cries and screams filled his ears. That's not what he was used to. Mi Casa was always supposed to sound like giggles and shouts of laughter rather than screams of terror.  The whole place was stinking of woe, distress. He saw most of his packmates were pushed in one corner of the hall at gunpoint by Kang wolves. He saw his brother holding his bloodied brother in law in his arms, his expressions were void, his eyes lost in the distance. Then there was Mingyu; the pup Namjoon, and Seokjin were planning to officially adopt, holding onto Namjoon with a desperate clutch. And then he saw the arrogant piece of shit, Kang Yoon-ho, sitting in a chair in the middle of this discord, laughing like a maniac. Right then, Jungkook saw red, and without thinking straight, he went directly for the evil wolf's neck. The whole place turned upside down when he did. The rival wolves jumped into action and shifted their aims to Jungkook's head. Jungkook still didn't lose his grip on his enemy's throat. He was not himself at that exact moment. His rationality and calm composure were replaced with a pure, primal rage. All he wanted to do was kill that wolf right then.

“Jeon, pup, I admire your bravery. You walked into my trap alone. But remember, I still have half of your pack's heads at my mercy. So, whatever you do, think about the cute little pup that was born just this morning.” Kang smirked.

Jungkook's trance was broken by this statement. He couldn't let those pups suffer. He had to do something.

“Kang, it's me who you want, right? Let the pups go, and you can have my life. I wouldn't even struggle.”

“How heroic! A leader who is ready to die for his pack! Idealistically, I would have admired you but truthfully I find it very stupid. You should have stayed away. I heard you just found your mate and were with them on a little vacay! How romantic! You should have stayed in your warm bed.”

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