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Trigger warning: Mentions violence, human trafficking, kidnapping, illegal activities, prostitution rackets, and different forms of sexual, physical, and psychological abuse. Reader's discretion is advised.


Taehyung could not process what was being said to him. He thought his brain was definitely playing games with him. Whatever he was hearing didn't make any sense. As the leader doubted, did he really hit his head somewhere in the attack? Otherwise, why would the Jeon leader propose something like this? The conversation was still floating in his head.

"I would like to know about the 'role' that you keep mentioning."

"About that…"


"Let me be blunt and say it for once and for all. I would like you to be my pack's future Luna…."

'Luna'? How on earth is he supposed to be the Luna of this pack? Isn't that position given to the Pack Alpha's mate?

Now, wait a minute…

Was he ...??? No. Why would he?

"Are you asking me to be your mate?!" He asked without thinking.

"Yeah…" The leader whispered with anticipation, but nothing could have prepared him for Taehyung's reaction,

"ARE YOU NUTS?"Taehyung shouted. Without even realising, he had jumped out of the chair and onto the leader, clutching his collar. What he also didn't realise was that, while doing so, he had scratched the Jeon's scent-blocker patch. That's when the earthy scent of petrichor filled his nostrils, making his eyes turn icy blue.


His inner wolf howled.

It sent his mind into a haze.

"Tae…" The leader's throaty moan brought Taehyung back to reality. When he came back to his senses, he understood as to why the leader would make such an embarrassing sound.

Unconsciously, Taehyung had been nosing the leader's scent gland, quite intently so. As soon as he recognised how scandalous it must be looking, he pushed himself away from the leader's body. And stood as far as his inner wolf allowed him. The urge to run back in the arms of his mate was strong, but he had to calm his primal side and let his human side process this critical piece of information with a bit of rationality. The Jeon leader also must have had the exact same thoughts because he quickly replaced the torn scent blocker with a new one from his pocket. When the scent slowly faded away, Taehyung could finally breathe normally.

"I am so sorry …."

"Jungkook. Jungkook is my name. I figured you should at least know the first name of your fated mate. And it is okay. I know, It was an accident." The leader chuckled nervously.

"How long have you known this?" The omega whispered, trying to hold himself together.

"Six years. I was 19 back then. It was the time when I had come to meet your appa, to discuss something really important. That's when I first smelled your sweet rose smell. My wolf went crazy that day. Thank God for Joon, or I would have embarrassed myself badly in front of your father." His face turned bright red with the memory of that embarrassment. He kept his eyes casted low.

"Six years? Why didn't you tell me before?" His voice turned a bit shaky.

"Multiple reasons. First and foremost was that I didn't want to pull you into my mess."

"Then, why didn't you tell me about it earlier today? I figured, you had already decided to propose your intentions to me, right?" Taehyung sounded a bit accusing but Jungkook shrugged it off as an expected reaction.

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