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The chapter mentions violence, physical fights, guns and other criminal themes.


Taehyung couldn't sleep peacefully that night. It was 2 a.m. and he was tossing and turning in his bed for almost one hour. When Namjoon had dropped him home that evening, an anxious-looking Jimin had dropped by, and after knowing from the alpha that his cover was blown away by the Jeon alpha himself, his anxiety had turned into dread. However, Taehyung was too tired to deal with anything by that time, so he allowed his beta tenant to tend to his wounds and whip him some quick ramen. He bathed himself till then and went straight to bed after gulping the ready-made meal, without sparing a single glance to the guilty-looking beta.

After finally falling into a fitful sleep for 6 hours, his eyes fluttered open, and staying open stubbornly. He tried reading, walking, and watching TV only to end up rolling back in bed, restlessly. The last day had been so eventful. It was Iate, the night before, he had received a call from a hospital whistleblower. He came to know that the staff of the shady hospital was going to sell three male omegas to Kangs so that pawns of the mafia could transfer those little pups to their 'favoured' orphanage. He had decided right then that he had to act.

Without any hesitation, he had reached the hospital under disguise. He saw the exchange happening right in front of his eyes. He had followed them. Trying to intervene before they could transfer the pups. He had raised an alarm and called the police, but they had declined any help because there was no ground on which they could stop people from registering the babies to a certain childcare facility. His accusations were blown by them because they seemed 'too far-fetched'. He couldn't blame them. Kang had been thorough in clearing his legal grounds. No child was trafficked into his dirty business before they turned 18. Legally an adult, but someone who can be lured in, manipulated, blackmailed into doing anything he wants in exchange for a little money, attention or affection. There was no way Taehyung could prove any of this nor did he have any proof apart from anecdotes of the children who survived that hellhole. None of them would ever dare to go and testify against the orphanage. He couldn't expect anyone to be ready to end up in a ditch like he almost did.

Oh, Moon! He almost died that day. Seeing his father fight for omega rights was one thing but doing it himself was completely different. Not that he regretted it. He would jump in the same fight again if he needed to, but doing it for the first time was scary indeed. If it wasn't for Jungkook’s  men, he would have stayed in that dumpster and maybe the goons would have come back for him and finished him off. However, he had mixed feelings about the whole ordeal. Because, his annoyingly overstepping brute of a mate saved him but only after spying on him.

His stupid mate!

His mate!

The day was literally a roller coaster ride, wasn't it? He almost died and then revived again with the hope that he had lost all those years ago.

He had met his destined mate that day. The other half of his wolf soul. The Yin to his Yang. In normal circumstances, he would have been overjoyed. Finding one's fated. Having his soulmate up close, inhaling that grounding petrichor smell again, it all seemed like a fever dream. Maybe he will wake up tomorrow to realise that it was all indeed an illusion that his tired brain had procured due to the distress. However he didn't get much time to ponder on these thoughts as he heard a sudden crashing sound right outside his window. He tried to reach the window as rapidly as he could with the limp that was limiting his mobility.

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