From Here to Eternity

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Penelope gets in the car and Benjamin looked at her and chuckled.
Penelope gave him an annoyed look and checks herself in the driving mirror.

"You looked better before."

"Thank you" Penelope replied mocking him.

After fifteen minutes of drive they finally reached the restaurant, Benjamin parked his car and Penelope was getting off when Benjamin stopped her and helped opens up her door and she gets of the car and he says you look beautiful tonight.

"I know" Penelope replied thinking he's still mocking.

He just smiled and get in the restaurant, Benjamin had already made reservations and he came before to check everything out before for Penelope.
He leads her to the table and pulled the chair out for him.

Penelope can't believe that he had this side all along and she never knew, he was a gentleman?

Benjamin sat opposite to her and looks at her and started smiling.

"So how's everything... Are you enjoying?"

"Hmm it's fine"

"Oh are you upset about that? Like I already said You look beautiful but not as much as you did on the lunch time"

He started giggling again.

"Benjamin stop now pleaaaaase"

"Ok this was last time I swear... What do you wanna eat?"


"Oh come on you had imagined us a lot together so I am pretty sure we went on dates, what do we use to order?"


Benjamin laughed harder this time.

"I'm sorry sweetie, It's just I can't help"

Penelope pink blush turns red after hearing "sweetie". Was Benjamin flirting with me?

Benjamin founds her reaction cute and the way she act is adorable.

They ordered food and Penelope and Benjamin are fully concentrated on eating their food, It's their date and they're just gonna eat and leave?

They are finally done with food and Benjamin and Penelope looked at each other.

"See it wasn't different, I told you"

"But Benjamin, what exactly do couple do on a date"

"Well as far as I know.. they talk and get to know each other"


"And... Oh yeah and kiss"

Penelope blushed hard this time.

" You're a slut for real, you made me say that"

" No... Hey I ain't a slut, I genuinely don't know I thought you'd know other than talking and kissing is there nothing else?"

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