Mixed Confusing Emotions

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The Next Day

Benjamin woke up to find himself only, Penelope left...
When Benjamin looked around the room he founds out Penelope had taken her things along.
Benjamin didn't do anything he started to get ready for the University...he didn't even called her once.

In the University he saw Penelope with Eddie(Penelope's friend from University).
Penelope didn't notice Benjamin,
He noticed her red puffy eyes.

In the class
Today Penelope sits alone in the class.
But Benjamin hit the jackpot... Finally he's got a chance to sit with Violet.
They even had little talks in between the lectures and Penelope's looking at them from back.
Later they even exchange the phone number and Benjamin's face was glowing and flushed the whole time.

Lunch time
Benjamin talking with Penelope about her crushes and blushing but today Benjamin's talking to her crush and Penelope's just looking at them acting fine.

Noah was sitting with his 2 friends and he noticed Penelope, sitting in the corner, her eyes were teary and his eyes scanned around the cafeteria to find Benjamin and he founds him with Violet. He immediately understood and asks his friend if he could call Penelope with them,They agreed.
Noah immediately called Penelope over their table and his friends started asking,

"Why are you not with Benjamin today?"

"Did he leave you for Violet?"

"They're dating right?"

Noah glared at them and make a clenched his fist . Everyone understood and stopped asking questions.

"Penelope what would you like to eat?"

"No, I'm not hungry"

"Well, I thought you have history class next, You gotta have some energy or you'd go to detention for sleeping during the class.

Noah chuckled and Penelope smiles.

"So now tell me what you want?"

"I'll get it, You don't worry"

"Seriously? When I'm right here infront of you why would you go by yourself and also my principals won't let a lady go and fetch food for herself, when I could do so.
So Ma'am what would you like to have?"

Penelope finally chuckled and said.

"Sandwich would work, Mister"

"Sandwich it is then!"

Noah blushed, gives a death glare to his friends to keep their mouth shut and leaves.

After the university, Benjamin thought Penelope would come with her and waited for her at the gate but Penelope went out the gate with Eddie without even noticing Benjamin.
Benjamin didn't call again.

After the University

Benjamin got home did his routine and lie on the bed he was blushing and smiling.
And after few minutes his face turned plain and turns on his side and slept.

He was thinking about Violet and recalling the memories he made with her today, he got her phone number and Violet has finally noticed him and maybe he's a friend to her.
And while lying on the back starting at the ceiling he remembered what happened yesterday and his expression changed.

Penelope in Eddie's house

When Eddie asks about what happened she just made a weird excuse of Benjamin have an exam coming up and I can't sleep alone so I decided to stay with you for few days... Eddie is a good friend not so close.

Penelope cried the whole night.
She wakes up early and leaves so she wouldn't have to face Benjamin.

She realized that being distant from Benjamin was for better he got close to Violet.

Benjamin's house

Benjamin wakes up in evening and realized he didn't ate lunch and didn't cooked he decided to order.
When he saw the history of orders he saw the previous day order which reminded him of Penelope.
He ordered food and started to make table each of these things are reminding him about Penelope.

He takes his phone out and went to contact and stared at Penelope's number.
But then he thinks about awkward conversation they'd have and decided not to call.
Order came and for the first time it was for a single person in this apartment.

Penelope and Benjamin in the night time are starting at the ceiling and thinking about each other but they're under different ceilings.

Next day in University

This day passes exactly the same as previous, no contact no talks, Penelope is not even looking at Benjamin because of guilt and also now he's getting what he wanted so she don't wanna ruin.

Skip to 3 weeks
All these days the conditions were same between Benjamin and Penelope but in these 3 weeks Penelope got a great supporter Noah. Noah was always there for her and this time because she let him instead of pushing him she gave him chance and ended up making a strong bond with him.

Benjamin all this time was having a great time with Violet and had got into the big friends group who takes him to fancy parties and elite clubs and he's happy but some little part of him misses "her".

He saw Penelope in the cafeteria with 3 new people, she was flashing a convincing smiles on them and he knows it, he had been with her since childhood and these were the moments whenever he used to see her giving this smile, he'd come for a  rescue as soon as possible but today he didn't. But few moments later he felt like it wasn't even required for him to do, as Noah was there cheering her up.

And suddenly there's a huge crowd around the notice board

It was lunch break and Benjamin along with Violet and her group was sitting in the cafeteria and Nathan came smiling..

"Guys, guess what? "

"What" Violet asked excitedly.

"We are having a trip." Nathan replied while looking at Violet.

All exclaimed in delight.

Benjamin just looks fine also because he has been noticing that Nathan and Violet are real close friends more like couple but always says "We're just friends"

Noah comes and sat beside Penelope in cafeteria along with Eddie and John.

"I've got a news....We are going on a trip."

All looked happy and excited while Penelope is still stuck with that incident and just gives out a convincing smile.
Noah know it and started to get her in conversation by asking about what she's gonna wear, what they're gonna take, at what time they'll leave etc. Penelope know that and that's why she knows that Noah actually "cared" for her.

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